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How to move "AddThis" Plugin to a different place in product page ?

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I am using the AddThis plugin provided by Cubecart. I use it only at product page level. At the moment, the default position of AddThis on the storefront is just between the product description and reviews.

I would prefer to have it higher on the page, like below the price for instance. I have been looking at the files of the plugin and my skin templates and it is not obvious. There is obviously a file calling on that plugin somehow but I cannot identify it.

Would anyone know ?



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In your skin template content.product.php:


{if $SHARE}
{foreach from=$SHARE item=html}

In the same template, a bit further down:


{foreach from=$COMMENTS item=html}

The SHARE is the array of HTML snippets that show the social media buttons, and the COMMENTS is the array of HTML snippets that show extractions of content from social media sources.

Place these where you want them to show.

Since you have edited a skin template, you may need to clear the cache (admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear Cache).

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