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PayPal Pro order stuck on pending

Claudia M

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I received an order today paid for thru PayPal Pro (1.1.9).  I received an email from PayPal showing the payment had been paid and it does show up in my PayPal transactions. However, in my admin the order is showing pending and I had to manually update it to processing.  Also, yesterday I added BSmithers code snippet so I receive (bcc) all the customer's emails sent thru CubeCart. I did not receive the customer's email though it does show in the email log it was sent to the customer. Any suggestions?



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Regarding the email issue: the code is suppose to add the admin's email address(es) as a BCC, not as a separate email, so if the BCC was added correctly, and the email was sent, then either the SMTP server that CubeCart's Mailer communicates with failed to send it, it did get sent but hasn't arrived yet, or it did arrive but got trashed as spam.

I do not recall you mentioning that you have problems with emails being sent to your admin address, so we can assume that there is no problem there.

Unfortunately, the email log only holds the To addresses, not the CC or BCC - although that might be an interesting enhancement.

We can try to pin down whether the admin address(es) got added as BCC to the email.

I have no answer regarding PayPal.

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This is what I did to BCC the emails.  I did a test after I added it yesterday and it worked -received the email  in Outlook on my PC and on my smartphone email. With today's order I didn't  get an email when I manually changed the order to processing.  Customer did.

In admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, click Add Snippet.


Create 1st Code Snippet

Enabled: Checked

Unique ID: classize_mailer@cubecart

Execution Order: 99

Description: Class-izes the Mailer instantiation so that it can be seen outside the orderStatus() method.

Trigger: class.order.order_status

Version: 1.0

Author: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/52330-how-to-add-admin-as-bcc-of-all-customers-order-status-emails/

PHP Code:


$this->_mailer =& $mailer;



Create 2nd Code Snippet.

Enabled: Checked

Unique ID: bcc_admin@cubecart

Execution Order: 99

Description: BCC's the admins on all customer emails.

Trigger: class.order.assign_order_details

Version: 1.0

Author: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/52330-how-to-add-admin-as-bcc-of-all-customers-order-status-emails/

PHP Code:


//$this->_mailer->SMTPDebug = 2;

//$this->_mailer->Debugoutput = 'error_log';

$addBCC_notify_admins = explode(',', $this->_notifyAdmins());

foreach ($addBCC_notify_admins as $admin) {




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