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I can't complete a test registration of a customer


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I am trying to do a test registration of a customer ....

I have filled all the fields: Title, First Nmae, Last Name, Email, Phone, Mobile, Password, Confirm Password.

I have checked: I agree to the Terms & Conditions.

I have checked: Subscribe to mailing list.

When I press the button: Register

I see a message "Would you like Firefox to remember this login?"

but really my test customer is not registered at all, beacause I check the Customer List, the  new customer is not added. I may repeat this many times, but the result is every time the same - no new customer added into the Customer List.

I have two test customers registered early this month, but I don't remeber was there this kind of problem, or not.

Can I solve this problem ?


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Welcome z80CPU! Glad to see you made it to the forums.

The "remember this login" is a feature/function of Firefox, and it is really annoying. Find the Options panels for Firefox and view the Security panel. There should be a checkbox that will enable storing passwords for sites. Uncheck that.

Some have reported that there is some kind of "invisible captcha" that is causing problems. In admin, Store Settings, Features tab, if the "Bot Prevention" is currently at "Invisible reCaptcha", choose something else.

Edited by bsmither
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Sorry, but I have tested all the variants about the: 

Store Settings -> Bot Protection : 

- Off

- reCAPTCHA v.1

- reCAPTCHA v.2

- Invisible reCAPTCHA

Every time when I press the button Register just nothing happens - no registration of a Customer.

Edited by z80CPU
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It seems this is similar to:

Please let us know what skin you are using.

If not Foundation, temporarily switch to using that skin and determine if the problem still exists.

Let us know if there is a web address where we can view the page.

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There is something that is blocking me from viewing this site as a CubeCart site.

CubeCart and the Foundation skin does not stop someone from viewing the site when the javascript of the browser is not available.

The response I get is a simple statement that this site requires javascript, as if there is some other code that is not part of CubeCart running first.

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I added this code at the top of index.php of CubeCart:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta name="keywords" content="yanina, янина, wellness, уелнес, vitamins, витамини, optimals, оптималс, evenout, ивънаут, health, здраве, natural, balance, естествен, баланс">
 * CubeCart v6
 * ========================================
 * CubeCart is a registered trade mark of CubeCart Limited


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Don't know if this helps Brian but I can see the website as a cubecart site in firefox. At the bottom of the page I also see the following

[Notice] /home/vol11_7/amfly.eu/DELETED/yanina.ga/htdocs/2/includes/functions.inc.php:527 - Undefined index: X-Forwarded-For


'Before Sanitise:' =>
'i' => 1
'After Sanitise:' =>
'i' => 1
'_a' =>


'__client' =>
'useragent' => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
'session_start' => 1509664107
'session_last' => 1509664107
'language' => en-GB
'__system' =>
'token' => 021061a552544e54436f55ddc69c95ab


'__test' => e7a37b742813e56c8dcb5b7f2db014dd
Queries (546):
[1] INSERT INTO `cccf_CubeCart_system_error_log` (`message`,`time`) VALUES ('[Notice] /home/vol11_7/DELETED/yanina.ga/htdocs/2/includes/functions.inc.php:527 - Undefined index: X-Forwarded-For','1509664107'); -- (0.000512838363647 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
[2] DELETE FROM `cccf_CubeCart_system_error_log` WHERE time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ; -- (0.000592947006226 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[3] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `cccf_CubeCart_sessions` WHERE cccf_CubeCart_sessions.session_id = 'bb7686ac2bd4004bf47d391665ff3521' LIMIT 1; -- (0.000731945037842 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[4] INSERT INTO `cccf_CubeCart_sessions` (`admin_id`,`customer_id`,`ip_address`,`location`,`session_id`,`session_last`,`session_start`,`useragent`) VALUES ('0','0','','','bb7686ac2bd4004bf47d391665ff3521','1509664107','1509664107','Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0'); -- (0.000658988952637 sec) [NOT CACHED]
[5] SELECT * FROM `cccf_CubeCart_lang_strings` WHERE cccf_CubeCart_lang_strings.language = 'en-GB' ; -- (0.000293970108032 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
[6] SELECT * FROM `cccf_CubeCart_hooks` WHERE cccf_CubeCart_hooks.enabled = '1' ORDER BY priority ASC ; -- (0.00033712387085 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
[7] SELECT `php_code`, `unique_id`, `description`, `hook_trigger` FROM `cccf_CubeCart_code_snippet` WHERE cccf_CubeCart_code_snippet.enabled = '1' ORDER BY `priority` ASC ; -- (0.000297069549561 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
plus a lot more
Edited by ayz1
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@ayz1, I would probably see CubeCart as well if I let javascript run from a site I do not yet trust.

But there is something that is sending this initial page, it runs some javascript, then instructs the browser to fetch this page with the querystring i=1, probably as a flag that the javascript payload has been implanted. (Maybe nothing more than a signal that the cookie has been created. Maybe!)

If you are watching your network waterfall (see your browser's diagnostic tools), you will see the bounce.

This discussion (https://blog.kwiatkowski.fr/?q=en/testcookie) suggests this slowAES is a server-level (or cpanel setting) mechanism to thwart bots from scraping content from site pages.


Edited by bsmither
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Sooo...., if the site administrator has implemented this anti-scrape mechanism, then AJAX exchanges of data may fail if the AJAX package does not send the correct cookie - or may actually fail even with all the correct cookies.

I have no experience in this scenario.

The template parser (Smarty) does not execute any code other than its own Smarty code.

Having PHP code in a template is exactly the same as having any other text. It is just plain text and that plain text will be in the final output that Smarty creates.

Also, any code that looks like Smarty code but is not Smarty code in a template could cause PHP to crash. For example:

<?php echo "Hello {smiley} World" ?>

will cause Smarty to quit parsing the template and stop PHP with a Fatal Error.

Please know that you must not think the templates are PHP code scripts just because the filenames end in .php. (The templates can be named anything, and I do not know why the programmers chose '.php' as the filename suffix for the skin templates.)

  • Thanks 1
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