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Disabling all store emails


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Is there a way to temporarily disable all outgoing store emails?

I recently had my shop upgraded and something has gone wrong with my payment gateways. Payments are shown to the customer as failed, in my transaction logs as failed, but they are successful. No transaction logs are present on the site. Because of this, Braintree is bombarding my site with payment notifications and causing the site to shoot out multiple emails to the customer. I have customers getting 16+ payment confirmation emails because the darn site won’t accept them as successful for whatever reason. 

I trust that the person who upgraded has the knowledge to figure it out but he’s really

busy right now. In the meantime I need to stop these emails going out like crazy because my customers are not happy and I’m going to end up getting flagged for spam 😑

thanks for any advice you can offer. 

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Wow I've never seen anything like this before. It sounds like some code has got stuck in a loop or the mail server has a fault.

There is no way to turn email off in CubeCart. Maybe remove or "comment out" this line of code:


Alternatively you could change the email send method to SMTP in the stores settings and intentionally add incorrect information. That could cause slow page loads as it tries to connect to bad SMTP URLs.

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10 minutes ago, Dirty Butter said:

Would it work to temporarily put the wrong password on the email information in the Admin>Store Settings>Advanced tab?

I removed the login and password and it's still sending.  Yikes!


10 minutes ago, Al Brookbanks said:

Wow I've never seen anything like this before. It sounds like some code has got stuck in a loop or the mail server has a fault.

There is no way to turn email off in CubeCart. Maybe remove or "comment out" this line of code:


Alternatively you could change the email send method to SMTP in the stores settings and intentionally add incorrect information. That could cause slow page loads as it tries to connect to bad SMTP URLs.

It's gone crazy!!  No transaction log but look at this.  I even tried disabling Braintree and switching back to PP Standard but even those payments were being retried over and over without registering.

I will try to edit the code for now.  Thank you.   


I have customers who have now received 20+ payment confirmation emails so I'm thinking I'd rather shut it down temporarily until we can figure it out.  

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6 minutes ago, Dirty Butter said:

If removing email information didn't work - maybe it's stored in cache. Try manually deleting all cache before giving up and going offline.

Thanks, I’ll try that. I was also considering deleting the associated email template and then adding back after this is resolved. 

Still sending even with email credentials removed.  This is nuts!


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Does this sound like it could be an issue with the php version?  I'm running three different CC6 stores on my dedicated server but had the php version increased to allow this specific store to be upgraded.  The other two stores are fine.  I ended up disabling outgoing email by entering fake smtp info but I can see the site is still trying to shoot off multiple payment confirmation emails and of course I can't stay like this with no email but I'm waiting for help from the person who did my upgrade.  Just trying to somehow figure out what in the world happened so I can get my store back up.      

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This is confusing to me:

"Payments are shown to the customer as failed, in my transaction logs as failed, but they are successful. No transaction logs are present on the site."

Do you have transaction logs (saying failed) or no logs?

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37 minutes ago, bsmither said:

This is confusing to me:

"Payments are shown to the customer as failed, in my transaction logs as failed, but they are successful. No transaction logs are present on the site."

Do you have transaction logs (saying failed) or no logs?

Braintree logs are failures, Paypal standard are missing. 

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Here’s what I just got from Braintree. Hmmmm

Jacque D. (Braintree)

May 1, 4:13 PM CDT 

Thanks for reaching out. I would be happy to help!

It looks like you are using a third-party shopping cart built by CubeCart. Since neither Braintree nor a developer contracted by Braintree built this extension, our information about this issue is limited and we're only able to offer very basic support. Ultimately, you will need to reach out to CubeCart directly for further troubleshooting of these errors.

That said, I took a look at transaction ID  xxxxxxxx linked in the screenshot you sent, along with several other transactions. It looks like the initial transaction sale call was sent from your integration at 7:44:54 PM CT. A duplicate transaction sale call was sent 9 seconds later with the same information. This pattern seems to have happened multiple times over the past few weeks, which would explain why you are seeing this error multiple times.

The second transaction then received the 91564 validation error you are seeing within CubeCart. Typically when we see this, it is because a customer is double clicking the payment button. I would ensure that your integration prevents that as that could be causing this issue. It also looks like your integration is not handling the responses from Braintree correctly. This is why your transactions are showing a failed message, even though they appear to be successful.

Ultimately, CubeCart should be able to help with the information provided above. Please feel free to CC us on any communication and we would be happy to offer further insight from our side.

Please feel free to reach out with any other questions.


Jacque D.


This email is a service from Braintree.


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