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 I lost/ cant find my Code to login for Search engine 

 what I mean is the domain name www.classicbm.com/admin  after i upgrades 

I tried to re install , but told I have the lastest version

 If use old code http://www.classicbm.com/admin_TSYdCZ.php it takes me to the main wedsite .

 How make cubecart 6.2.0 think its an earlier version so that i can re install

 This was in  the email 


 but des not work





Edited by British Parts
forgeot to add some info
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You dont need to (and shouldnt) re-install - the problem is that your upgrade has partially completed which probably means you have a mix of versions on your site and also the admin directory and admin_XXXXXX.php file has been renamed to something else.

You can look in the includes/global.inc.php file for the new names of the admin directory and file and change so they match but you also need to ensure that the file itself and all files in the admin directory are upgraded to the correct and latest version.

You will probably need to do a manual upgrade and follow the procedure shown on the CubeCart support knowledgebase article


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Hi Thanks 

 In the gobal.inc.php 

 this is waht it says 

$glob['adminFile'] = '';
$glob['adminFolder'] = '';
$glob['cache'] = 'file';
$glob['dbdatabase'] = '';
$glob['dbhost'] = 'localhost';
$glob['dbpassword'] = '';
$glob['dbport'] = '';
$glob['dbprefix'] = '';
$glob['dbsocket'] = '';
$glob['dbusername'] = '';
$glob['installed'] = '1';
$glob['install_source'] = 'softaculous';

you will see that the the admin name code i have tried to use to no avail , its takes me to the main page 



Edited by havenswift-hosting
Database name, username, password etc !!
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Hi Wil

I have just edited your reply as it contained far too much sensitive information !

What you will find is that because the upgrade wasnt completed correctly, the actual names of the admin directory and admin php file will now be different to what is listed in the global.inc.php file - that is the first part of correcting this issue


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The information you are giving is a bit confusing - you say you are doing a re-install, (which you really shouldnt be doing) but your image shows that you have done an upgrade and yet you say you enter the database information which is only done on a new install !

It also shows your new admin php file name which has been changed because you havent done the manual upgrade correctly.

It is difficult to give any better advice without knowing or seeing exactly what you have done as basically, what I have said previously is still valid - ensure that the admin filename and directory name that is shown in your global.inc.php file is the same as what they are actually called

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I have set the admin folder name to the name i sent you in Global ini.php

and tried to login in with name again in the gobal file , but still take me to the home page 

 do in nned to input the admin _**** into some file ?

can i give you my login details, so you can have aquick look ???

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Do you have ftp access. or maybe Cpanel/Plesk file manager access.

Take a look in the root of your store, make a note of the admin folder name and the adminxxx.php file name.

Make sure that these are entered correctly in global.inc.php


when these are confirmed correct in global.inc.php, try logging in to https://www.classicbm.com/admin_whatever-its-called.php

I tried logging in to https://www.classicbm.com/admin_TSYdCZ.php  and it's coming back a 404 error, which would indicate to me that admin_TSYdCZ.php does not exist.

Edited by keat
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