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Search Box - change size and placement + Logo


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Would it be possible to have this much smaller, at least half its current width? And perhaps re- positioned so it sits at the top of the right column?

And onto my next question, I'd like to be able to make the company header logo wider.

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Probably in skins/foundation/templates/main.php


Somewhere around line 50 find the command which triggers the search box, i'm using a custom search box, so mine is named differently.

it's probably called {$SEARCH} or {$SEARCH BOX}


move this to somewhere around line 80 ish, underneath where it says <div class="sidebar" id="sidebar_right">


I'll see if I can figure out how to change the size, this will probably be in a css file.

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To keep your changes from being erased after an upgrade of the Foundation skin (only because this is what ships with CubeCart), copy the Foundation folder to a new folder, and change the name of the skin in the config.xml file to match.

Clear CubeCart's cache.

There will now be some extra work involved. For every CubeCart release, there will need to be an analysis made of the changes between Foundation code, then have those changes applied to your customized copy.

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On 5/17/2018 at 1:35 PM, keat said:

Probably in skins/foundation/templates/main.php


Somewhere around line 50 find the command which triggers the search box, i'm using a custom search box, so mine is named differently.

it's probably called {$SEARCH} or {$SEARCH BOX}


move this to somewhere around line 80 ish, underneath where it says <div class="sidebar" id="sidebar_right">


I'll see if I can figure out how to change the size, this will probably be in a css file.

Here's what I'm seeing:



<div class="row show-for-medium-up">
                     <div class="small-12 columns">{include file='templates/box.search.php'}</div>
            <div class="row hide" id="small-search">
               <div class="small-12 columns">
                  {include file='templates/box.search.php'}

Do I need to reduce the number of rows?

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