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image add to an option


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hello, is it possible to add an image to an option. for example I sell an object with an option. and I would like to put a single image and when the customer chooses the option this one changes automatically by the image of the option. instead of having to put several images in the carousel

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I install version 2.1 for php 5.6 but cubecart tells me to update? but where is she?. more the plugin tells me that the license demo has expired. while I installed it yesterday. what do I have to do?


is there something missing?



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  • 1 year later...

If your concern is if the module does or doesn't do what you are asking, then I have no answer.

If, however, you are asking how does CubeCart do this regardless? CubeCart stores the options chosen in an array named 'options'. It is contained in the __basket['contents'][product_hash] array. This data is always available to whatever needs/wants to show it.


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