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Recaptcha v1 error on vector skin - cubecart v5.2.17


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The easiest and by far the most sensible course of action would be to upgrade to the very latest V6.2.2 and choose to use a different (and mobile responsive !) skin that has had all of the changes required, already made to it.  You are using a skin that has been unsupported for over three years (developer completely disappeared) and a version of CubeCart that has known security issues.

The next possible solution is to simply turn off reCaptcha and that would be a temporary solution to allow your store to continue operating but opens yourself up to automated bot customer registrations and other issues.

The final and probably by far the hardest solution would be to re-engineer that old CubeCart version and the Vector skin (good luck with that unless you are a VERY experienced developer as that skin is complicated !) so that it works with the new reCaptcha methods

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