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Image product


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There are two ways: edit the skin to not show the image gallery, or disassociate the extra images from the product.

What to edit in the skin template will be something similar to:

      {if $GALLERY}
      <div id="scrollUp" class="scroller"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-up"></use></svg></div>
      <ul class="clearing-thumbs small-block-grid-1" id="scrollContent" data-clearing>
         {foreach from=$GALLERY item=image}
         <li{if $image@total lt 2} style="display:none"{/if}><a href="{$image.source}" class="th"><img src="{$image.small}" data-image-swap="{$image.medium}" data-caption="{$PRODUCT.name}{if !empty($image.description)}: {/if}{$image.description}" class="image-gallery" alt="{$LANG.catalogue.click_enlarge}"></a></li>
      <div id="scrollDown" class="scroller"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-down"></use></svg></div>

The latest Foundation skin will have this code in element.product.vertical_gallery.php. Other skins will have this code in content.product.php.

You will want to change {if $GALLERY} to {if false && $GALLERY}.

To disassociate images, in admin, Edit the product. On the Images tab, locate all the images that have checked boxes -- the gold-starred images are the primary image. Click the checked boxes until they become unchecked. Save. You will need to do this on each product which you wish to disassociate the extra images.

Then have CubeCart clear its internal cache.

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Thank you for the answer. The version with {if false && $ GALLERY} works but only displays the main photo.

When I put the star and a check mark (my logo), it does not show me the 2nd image as I show you in attachment. Therefore, it is difficult to uncheck the other images. Do you know why it does that to me?

Thank you for your help.

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Yes that's what I wanted but if I have a second image with {if false && $ GALLERY} the second image is not displayed and I can not put two main images.

What I wanted to say is that if I check an image by a view (extra image) and save it, the image does not appear with the main one and the checkmark is not put when it's done. retreat (photo already sent)
(here is the picture before you saved it)

Otherwise I'll only do a picture.

Any other questions, do you know how to put a space between "Hello Guest" and log on to the homepage?

Thank you for your help.
PS: I know I'm complicated.
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Please draw a diagram of how you want your images to display.

What is the name of the skin you are using?

The template that is used to show the "Log In" link is box.session.php. (CubeCart templates are HTML, but have .php filename suffixes. There is no PHP code in CubeCart templates.)

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I have the skin mican v. 1.0.4.

I would like the images as in the photo but I would like to delete the old images so that it does not appear.

Since it does not appear in the admin part (as soon as I save the images, it does not allow me to uncheck additional images so that it does not appear anymore). In addition, the old images remain and add to the news.

I put two files first as I wish the image and the second to show that I can not remove the second photo.

How to delete the 2nd photo in the shop and / or it appears in the admin part.
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"it does not allow me to uncheck additional images"

That is very strange. Is this because the additional checked images cannot be found in the list when editing the product again? Or you actually cannot click on the checked box so that the box becomes unchecked? (An unchecked box, then click on it becomes a checked box, then click on it becomes a gold star, then click on it becomes an unchecked box again.)

(If you are uploading images for us to see, I do not see them. Maybe there is a limit per day? Maybe the moderator has some advice.)

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the size of the images is too big.

Yes if I click there is a tick, if I click there is a star and if I click I have the empty box. The problem is when I save, it shows me the main photo and not the other photos. In addition, I have no box checked just blank box as in the picture of the link below.


How to make it appear?

Thank you for your help.


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Maybe this will work--

Please clear CubeCart's internal cache. If there is no "Clear Cache" button in the upper-right of the admin screen, then go to Maintenance, Rebuild tab, Clear Cache.

Perhaps CubeCart is reading from a cached SQL query, and that is why the image Logo.jpeg is not showing as being assigned.

I am still tracing the code trying to find the likely problem.



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  • 3 months later...

CubeCart will create sized versions of the source image - according to the needs of the skin.

In the template content.product.php, there will be some code to display the product image. Find that HTML (knowing what skin you are using will help) and the <img> tag. The src attribute will probably be {$PRODUCT.medium}. Change that to {$PRODUCT.source}.


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In admin, editing a product, on the Images tab, from your attached image above, I cannot determine why the assigned images do not have a checkmark or gold star unless the assigned images are actually located in the 'Produit' folder.

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