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How to replace or delete an image?


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I'm using CubeCart 6.2.5 and cannot find out how to replace or delete an image.

Typically, I have category or product images that were uploaded and that I want to replace by better ones (e.g. after the backgound was burned).

I tried reuploading : doesn't work.
I tried overwriting the source image by FTP in images/sources : doesn't work.

The fact is that images are cached. Is there a way to regenerate the cached images from the source folder?


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Deleting an image and uploading again via the admin control panel will work so long as the server isn't forcing the browser to cache the images too long. 

In the maintenance section you can clear the image cache. Do that and then clear the browser cache and it will work. If not then the image hasn't been changed. 


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Thank you a lot, Al.

I was not aware of the possibility clearing the image cache (and others) from the "ADVANCED -> Maintenance section".

I will test it next time as I meanwhile I had found alternative solution by manually deleting the image in "images/cache" using an FTP client.

And of course Ctrl+F5 to force full reload (refresh including ressources) of the page.
(works at least for Firefox)

I also found how to delete images in "FILE MANAGER -> Images section".




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