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(Don't hit me) Any tips for activating Recaptcha V2 in a 4.3 store?


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Yeah, yeah, I know - upgrade to version 6.  It's harder than it looks.  I'm working on it, really I am, but I tuned up a few things, did a bit of tweaking, and moving this all to V6 is taking more time than I want to tell the wife about.  Anyway, back in 2018 ReCaptcha V1 was switched off, so I disabled it.  For 12 months, everything was sweet.

Recently, some prick in Minsk (a rouble's throw from Pinsk) has discovered that he (almost certainly) can create users with mangled address details (title = REG, town = MINSK) and what looks like a real email address, so my store sends some poor devil an unexpected "Welcome to the family" email.

Solution is to replace the now non-operationalReCaptcha V1 with one of the V2 options.

Does anyone have a recipe for this?


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