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Database keys issue


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I've noticed a few errors in the Maintenance > Database tab. 

The errors are

CubeCart_admin_users.admin_id has a key type KEY but expecting PRIMARY.

This is listed in phpMyAdmin as both Primary and Index (Key). Should this just be Primary?

CubeCart_order_summary.cart_order_id has a key type KEY but expecting UNIQUE KEY.

When I try and change the index from key to unique, I get these warnings


dot.gif The indexes cart_order_id_2 and cart_order_id seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.
dot.gif The indexes cart_order_id_2 and cart_order_id_4 seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.
dot.gif The indexes cart_order_id_2 and cart_order_id_3 seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.

CubeCart_order_summary.custom_oid has a key type KEY but expecting UNIQUE KEY.

When I try and change this, I get an error "#1062 - Duplicate entry "NULL" for key custom_old". I googled the error, but I'm none the wiser!


The three below I fixed in phpMyAdmin

CubeCart_reviews.approved has no key set. Expecting KEY.

CubeCart_seo_urls.type has no key set. Expecting KEY.
CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id has no key set. Expecting KEY.


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For CubeCart_admin_users table, you can delete all indexes, except the PRIMARY which is for admin_id column..

For CubeCart_order_summary, you can delete the cart_order_id_2, _3, and _4 indexes. The cart_order_id index needs to be UNIQUE.

For CubeCart_order_summary, the custom_oid index needs to be UNIQUE. However, you may need to first change the details of the custom_oid column from NOT NULL to NULL (possibly clear a checkmark named Not Null for this column). Being able to hold a NULL in this column will then allow you to set a UNIQUE index against this column.

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11 hours ago, bsmither said:

For CubeCart_admin_users table, you can delete all indexes, except the PRIMARY which is for admin_id column..

For CubeCart_order_summary, you can delete the cart_order_id_2, _3, and _4 indexes. The cart_order_id index needs to be UNIQUE.

For CubeCart_order_summary, the custom_oid index needs to be UNIQUE. However, you may need to first change the details of the custom_oid column from NOT NULL to NULL (possibly clear a checkmark named Not Null for this column). Being able to hold a NULL in this column will then allow you to set a UNIQUE index against this column.

The admin_users table is now fine. Thank you.

I deleted the cart_order_id_x indices and that worked fine. When I try and change the custom_oid index, I get this error

dot.gif #1062 - Duplicate entry 'NULL' for key 'custom_oid_2'

The picture below shows that the index is already set at NULL (I think)


Screenshot 2019-09-12 at 10.05.18.jpg

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The error message references 'custom_oid_2' which is an extra index. The only index by that name would be 'custom_oid' - so delete 'custom_oid_2', _3, _4, etc.

The image above shows the index 'custom_oid' has 'Yes' in the Null column (that's good), but still needs to be 'Yes' in the Unique column.

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5 hours ago, bsmither said:

The error message references 'custom_oid_2' which is an extra index. The only index by that name would be 'custom_oid' - so delete 'custom_oid_2', _3, _4, etc.

The image above shows the index 'custom_oid' has 'Yes' in the Null column (that's good), but still needs to be 'Yes' in the Unique column.

I deleted the custom_oid_2 originally (and 3 and 4), but it's not listed in the table at all now, so I don't know how to delete it!

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Please examine the actual contents of the CubeCart_order_summary table, custom_oid column. If you have never actually used CubeCart's new "Custom Cart Order ID" feature, then this column should have no content in it.

However, phpMyAdmin will show a null content with the representation of null (or something similar).

If the content shown is absolutely blank - nothing at all - then the value being stored in this column is a zero-length-string (-zls-). A -zls- is not the same as a null, and will thwart a UNIQUE key.

Have phpMyAdmin change all instances of -zls- in the 'custom_oid' column to be null. This can be done with:
UPDATE pre_CubeCart_order_summary SET `custom_oid` = DEFAULT WHERE `custom_oid` = '';

Note the pre_ needs to be your table prefix if there is one.

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13 hours ago, bsmither said:

Please examine the actual contents of the CubeCart_order_summary table, custom_oid column. If you have never actually used CubeCart's new "Custom Cart Order ID" feature, then this column should have no content in it.

However, phpMyAdmin will show a null content with the representation of null (or something similar).

If the content shown is absolutely blank - nothing at all - then the value being stored in this column is a zero-length-string (-zls-). A -zls- is not the same as a null, and will thwart a UNIQUE key.

Have phpMyAdmin change all instances of -zls- in the 'custom_oid' column to be null. This can be done with:
UPDATE pre_CubeCart_order_summary SET `custom_oid` = DEFAULT WHERE `custom_oid` = '';

Note the pre_ needs to be your table prefix if there is one.

All the early entries (pre-March of this year, probably pre v6.1.14) have nothing (zls) in the column, Post that, they're all "NULL". I ran the query (with my prefix), the whole column had "NULL" in it. I then deleted the custom_oid index and recreated it with a UNIQUE key. Which worked. Hurrah - the database shows no errors/warnings now!


Thank you so much for your help in resolving this. You've been very patient and helpful.

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