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Upgrade Problems


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My dashboard is giving me an error message saying;

WARNING: Your store appears to be using source code from 6.2.8 but the database is still at 6.2.6. Please complete the upgrade by running the setup process.s

However if I try to run the setup I get an error message of 504 or 503  Gateway timed out and server stopped responding.

Please can you explain how to rectify this?et

We also cannot seem to create any more items or process orders at the moment.

Please can you also clarify what might be going on and what needs to be done to sort it out?



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I'm not the best one to be trying to help, but I can get some answers from you others can use in helping you. First of all, did you get the error trying to upgrade trying to use the Upgrade from within Admin? Or did you upload the zip of 6.2.8 and extract, then run setup? Is your store stock code, or do you have edits to skin or admin files you don't want to lose? It might help to know what version you are upgrading from. If you are not using stock skin, what are you using?

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I have been trying to complete the set up process from the link given on that error message.

If I go to the upgrade page within admin it says the version is up to date and there are no further upgrades.

It appears the version is up to date 6-2-8 but the database is still 6-2-6 somehow.

We have a skin we do not want to lose.


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We would ask that you create the error_log. It may contain the reason why your site is not responding properly.

A 504 error is that, in some scenarios, there are two servers: a front decision maker, and back page responder. The decision maker desides if the request is for a PHP produced page, or for some static page resource (images, CSS, javascript). It's a stream-lined server (nginx?) meant to answer a lot of requests without thinking too much about it. The back server is sometimes a more powerful program (apache?) that can handle complex directives and rewrite rules.

So, it could be that the front server is timing out waiting for the back server to deliver its task. It could be that PHP is crashing.

If so, the error log should list the reason why.


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