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Duplicate Order ID Assigned, Order Not Created But Payment Taken


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It won't be the CubeCart_order_inventory insertions of the items for the order -- this definitely happens after the CubeCart_order_summary insertion happens.

We are looking for an insertion before the order summary gets databased.

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Finished my experiments and have concluded that the trigger's LAST_INSERT_ID catching the value from having made an insertion into the CubeCart_order_tax table -- for those stores that could make a sale that includes tax.

Should a store be set up so that taxes might not be applied, then the LAST_INSERT_ID may be catching the value from some other table's insertion -- if the integer part of the custom order_id does not match what is expected (see earlier discussion).

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In addition to the possible insertion of a database record of tax details on the sale, there could also be the possible insertion of a database record of coupon/giftcert usage on the sale in the CubeCart_order_notes table.

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