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What do these PHP Warning mean?

Claudia M

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[04-Apr-2020 13:22:34 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Security Warning: Illegal array key "search%5Bkeywords%5D" was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 114

[05-Apr-2020 11:26:34 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Security Warning: Illegal array key "pCQj=1102_AND_1=1_UNION_ALL_SELECT_1,NULL,'<script>alert("XSS")</script>',table_name_FROM_information_schema_tables_WHERE_2>1--/**/;_EXEC_xp_cmdshell('cat___/__/__/etc/passwd')#" was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 114

Thanks in advance for any and all help


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The first is an example of where the web browser being used did not convert search%5Bkeywords%5D to search[keywords] when the visitor clicked Submit (Search) on the search page (or quick search on the page's heading area). One way that this could happen, assuming the web browser is behaving properly, is if a search robot submitted this URL and querystring directly without using a web browser.

The second is an attempt to determine if the site's application (CubeCart, Wordpress, whatever it may be) has a vulnerability that insufficiently scrubs user-supplied data. It's nothing personal.


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