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Product image listing in edit mode


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When editing a product is there a way to display images that are assigned to the product.

Right now it doesn't matter if i select show images or show assigned images only  it will not show the images assigned to that product .

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If I recall, the FilePicker needs to be showing the folder of images that would have one or more images assigned to it.

Then, just to the right of the FilePicker, there will be a preview (to start with) of the Main image, but will show any image when hovered over the filename. That area just to the right of the FilePicker will show only one image at a time.

The Main image is indicated in the FilePicker with a Gold Star, and any other associated image(s) are indicated by a checked box.

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When i am editing a product that has images assigned to it the Filepicker and i am assuming you are referring to the page that shows the various folders with images in it, the images assigned to the product do not show.

This product has 5 images assigned to it that are in the folder Lightning Cables




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Exactly my point

When i select show assigned images only i would assume it would open any folder where the images assigned to that product are are and show me. I had an item i assigned the wrong image to and i had to go hunt for it, not only that when i did find them and unchecked them it didn't remove them and i had to go in again and remove them.

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I hear you. I've seen the need for this years ago.

I wonder how easy this will be to implement? Obviously, clicking the Show Only Assigned should close all folders, ask CubeCart to get all images assigned, and then open all necessary folders that are in the path to each assigned image. Then, back at Show All Images, close all folders and be back at root.

However, unchecking the image should have saved that change - that is, unassigned that image from that product. (Actually deleting the image is not the same as unassigning.) If this is repeatable, then maybe the fault can be tracked down.


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If I recall, the login to the forums is not associated with the login to the Feature Request site.

If you have never created an account there, you may give some consideration to do so.

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