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The reason I had you check is because, if there is a too large of an amount of settings to save to the 'config' array, PHP will complain and CubeCart will log that error (in all but a few cases).

If the settings cannot be saved, what got changed and saved will not get changed. So, having emptied the text entry fields for the social media entries, they would then immediately reappear because nothing actually got changed. However, since you say that the text entry field does stay empty at least for one page reload, then it did get saved.

That leads me to believe that, if using Google's Chrome browser, Chrome is loading (or, at least loading the POST payload on save) the text entry field because.. well, it is a Google product.

Are you using Chrome?


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Yes am using Chrome.

Your right I take it out, it dissapears then appears again, but it does reappear in the admin panel all by itself. Mostly it puts Angie but occasionally it puts my email address in there, this is not something I do.

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There is a settings to turn off auto fill, but I use that alot, the thing is its only the youtube its doing this to its not doing it to instagram for example where I took that link out.

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If this is the one (and only as yet) problematic text entry field, we can (politely) ask that the browser not auto-fill these specific form elements, or all form elements on the Settings pages.

In the admin skin template, settings.index.php:

Find near line 12:

<form id="form-settings" action="{$PHP_SELF}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Change to:

<form id="form-settings" action="{$PHP_SELF}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off">


Specific form fields:

Find near line 55:

<div><label for="youtube">YouTube</label><span><input name="config[youtube]" id="youtube" type="text" class="textbox" value="{$CONFIG.youtube}"></span></div>

Change to:

<div><label for="youtube">YouTube</label><span><input name="config[youtube]" id="youtube" type="text" class="textbox" value="{$CONFIG.youtube}" autocomplete="off"></span></div>


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In your cPanel, there is a tool where you can edit files.

Have your browser show you the page source (again, how this is done in Chrome, I do not know). See if the edits are actually in place.

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Two admin files? Maybe also two admin folders?

If so, then look in /includes/global.inc.php. There will be the names of the file and folder of the pair that is actually in use. You may delete the file and folder pair that is not in use.

For example, there is the /admin/ folder and the /admin_aBcDeF/ folder. If the globals.inc.php file says that the adminFolder is 'admin_aBcDeF', then you can delete the /admin/ folder.

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