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Template e-Trend (by WebCity) issue with style.css


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The file db.php is not supposed to be there (unless you are intimately aware that some plugin put it there).

The two files that look similarly named actually are not named the same.


I did not put it there it is probably left over from 2010 , should I remove it ?

I don't think any of my plugin did it 


Thank you, I did 


I hope you don't mind to ask you , what is the file name in the e_trend skin template I am using where you can edit the header and the position of the main top logo of the store.

I did not messed up with that for over 3 years and totally forgot , after the new skin updates my logo shift down from the top , forgot it was custom set up. I searched today in the right place and nowhere to find .

Thanks in advance



It is the main.php template.

Look for {$STORE_LOGO}.

But id that area of the page moved down, maybe an adjustment in the CSS is needed.

<div id="header">
	<div class="container">
		<a href="{$STORE_URL}" id="logo"><img src="{$STORE_LOGO}" alt="{$META_TITLE}" /></a>

That what I found only before

in the CSS I found only setting for the Gallery images resolution and Thumbs 

but still looking , if I can only edit the  header padding to 0px

I found in common.css the parameters for the section above the header where is log in button , and the padding edition was possible, sadly under #header there is nothing , I added the padding code but nothing changed 

for now I am giving up on it,




In common.css, line 640, there is padding for the top and bottom of that #header area. That area has the padding specifically when the screen width is wider than 1200 pixels (in a @media rule).

If you don't want the padding, which will close up that area, edit that line to apply only to: #page, #footer1, #footer2

49 minutes ago, bsmither said:

In common.css, line 640, there is padding for the top and bottom of that #header area. That area has the padding specifically when the screen width is wider than 1200 pixels (in a @media rule).

If you don't want the padding, which will close up that area, edit that line to apply only to: #page, #footer1, #footer2

Amazing , thank you, just edited and added separate lines for each section , so it is all back the way it was before , I just put it here in case someone need .


staring section at line 630

/* Wide
================================================== */
@media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
#logo a{
padding:0px 0;
padding:20px 0;
padding:60px 0;
padding:0px 0;

You are my guru! l🙏

Thank you Brian so much!



Hi Brian ,

I am back again lol sorry to bother you

my store was reset back to 2019 , all changes I made was gone beside the latest adjustments but mostly the DB info was reset , I contacted my ISP if they did restore anything from the main backup but not reply yet . Funny thing is that the Cubecart version still showing the latest. I had to edit everything and put all currently information since it was outdated , including old templates for e-mail etc..

2 question if I dare to ask, I am getting too many fake e-mails subscriptions , I wanted to use the 2 authentication , but the e-mail for verification are not sent , I checked the email Log, nothing there , however all emails working fine in the store , also will it works also with account registration ? or it is only for subscription ?

and the last question you heard probably 1000 times , how to stop people checking out orders without setting up account , they constantly make e-mail errors and don't get the proper download links or proper order ID because of that . I know somehow you can edit it in the skin template but forgot , before there was an option I believe for that in the store setting to allow orders as guest , but not more 

and the last unusual question, when I was created backup today , the front store was so slow it want loading until the backup was created , same thing when I tried to download the backup, everything else was not accessible , question, what causes that behavior ? and why I experience it for the first time after update to the last CC version . I try to find a hint so I can talk to my ISP if that is their server issue or sort of limitation , still weird . They moved me to another server in June , just before the CC updates.

Thank you for your time in advance ,



Regarding the verification emails: in admin, Email Templates, make sure there is a listing for User: Verify Newsletter Subscription, and that there is a language flag for the store's default language.



Thanks Brian,

The HTML and Plain Text are empty , there are no macros , can''t save it after adding language ,

where can I find the newsletter verification e-mail macros? or standard store template for it ?

P.S I mean the macro for the verification only, I believe something is missing 


I believe that's why the verification email was not sent. There is no template to use to send it.

CubeCart is supposed to use the generic email.definitions.xml if there isn't a corresponding definition in the appropriate language pack.

I'm tracing out where that bug may be.

In the meantime, in a programmer's text editor, open the file /language/email_en_US.xml:

Find at the bottom of the file:


On a new blank line above that, add:

  <email name="newsletter.verify_email">
    <subject><![CDATA[Confirm your subscription]]></subject>
    <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>{$DATA.email} has been subscribed to our newsletter. To confirm your subscription please follow the link below:</p><p><a href="{$DATA.link}">{$DATA.link}</a></p>]]></content>
    <content type="text"><![CDATA[{$DATA.email} has been subscribed to our newsletter.

To confirm your subscription please follow the link below:


Now, go through the exercise of subscribing to the newsletter on the storefront and see if the Double-Opt-In email gets to you.


sadly nothing came to the mail box , only confirmation on the store front to confirm my subscription



Annotation 2020-07-13 233315.jpg


Also on the page


when I try to unsubscribe my random e-mail, I get message , my e-mail was successfully added to the mailing list, no way to unsubscribe , no matter how many time I submit , the only message is about adding it to the list. I never had issue with that before .


Also under customer account, when you try to unsubscribe , there is message :

The following errors were detected:
That email address is not subscribed to our mailing list.

however when I subscribe, the message is fine

Your email address has been added to our mailing list.


I need to figure it out before people scream at me again for sending them newsletters, and they can be serious rude 

Thanks Brian for your time and help 


I found out that the DB crashed on July 10 and my ISP restored my store from early backup , I am afraid that the backup was from before my last update to 6.2.9 and maybe that why things got messed up, the DB backup restore was from 2 days early before I noticed my issues and posted the new thread

can I run the Cubecart 6.2.9  installation again and try to repair the store ? as that may fix things I guess 

please let me know



Finally I made it working , I had to reverse it manually to 6.1.8 and then upgrade to 6.2.9 and after that  the newsletter subscription templates showing finally on , btw it fixed other minor issues as well. So for now case closed ,


thanks Brian for everything , crossing my fingers it was the last major issue, but at last everything running better then ever before.



Hi Brian, I have one issue, since the update of CC to 6.2.9 when I am making backups or customer downloads 1 files , the store don't load for anybody else until the download or backup is downloaded , I never come across this issue, I even updated my PHP to 7 but this did not fixed anything the problem is still present , and I am out of option already.

if you have any hint that put me in the right direction I would really appreciate it


Thanks in advance 



Someone who runs a commercial web hosting company will reply soon, and I do not have a good answer. You might also want to send a question to your hosting company.

The best I know is that the web server and/or PHP system might only be able to spawn one and only one so-called "worker". (I barely understand how the server's 'Controller - Worker' relationship works. I recognize these words only because of an obstacle I had in trying to get a Windows server to work with something called 'PHP-FPM'.)

(On a really remotely not all that related problem, there is a situation where my 'small-office, home-office' (SOHO) router will not transfer data across channels when one channel is actively passing packets of data. Frustrating.)



Thanks Brian,

I guess it have nothing to do with CC update at all, I know that they put me on another server when the DB crashed , that why all the problems with the CC updates and miss match before, I wrote to them this morning ( already yesterday on my time) but no answer yet. The server is shared so they may put some limits to it as you said, but that don't works for me, I will see if I get any decent reply from them on this subject .

Thanks for the hint, as usual you may be  right with the server's 'Controller - Worker'

at last some light in the tunnel




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