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Can you filter Orders by Products Sold?


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Hi All,
I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is a fairly easy way of having in the Admin Panel Orders Page the ability to filter orders by products sold, similar to the way you can filter the products by their categories in the Products page?
It's not the end of the world if there isn't but it would be a fairly good time saver for me.

Thanks in advance :D

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The way I chose to do this is to provide a tab of data when having a product up for editing.

There is a new tab called "Orders" with a red count on it to indicate how many orders have included this item.

The content shown is a list, in reverse chronological order, of the Cart Order Number and some elements of the order summary.

So, this is not choosing criteria to effect a filter against all CubeCart's Orders list (that is focusing on a product), but rather including into a product's details those orders that sold this product.

If this will work for you, send me a PM with your email address.


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  • 2 weeks later...

bsmither is this something you could help me with as on my old V4 store I'm running a similar mod (View Specific Product Orders) that does this very thing: from within the product list I can click on the product name and it shows me a list of the order numbers (in reverse chronological order) , the status, date of order, customers name, address, email and cart total. I'm not bothered about seeing the customer details or status etc but being able to see how many orders have included the product really comes in handy at our year end when deciding whether to continue a product or not as we can easily see how many of that product had actually sold.

At the moment I can view right back to Feb 2011 which I think is when we moved from the Cubecart V3 to the V4.

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This one:


The way I chose to do this is to provide a tab of data when having a product up for editing.

There is a new tab called "Orders" with a red count on it to indicate how many orders have included this item.

The content shown is a list, in reverse chronological order, of the Cart Order Number and some elements of the order summary.

So, this is not choosing criteria to effect a filter against all CubeCart's Orders list (that is focusing on a product), but rather including into a product's details those orders that sold this product.

If this will work for you, send me a PM with your email address.

Thank you

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