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Payment gateway - function call not used


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Dear all,

I am developping a payment plugin (zip enclosed). Similarly to many payment plug-in, on the main file I have a gateway.class.php file with a function "call()". As far as I understood (but maybe I understood incorrectly), this function intends to do some post-processing after the payment request is sent. However, for a reason which I ignore, in my plug-in, that function call() is never called at all.

I know it isn't called, because I have tried inputting the following instruction as a first instruction: $GLOBALS['cart']->clear(), and the cart is never emptied, no matter the payment status.

As a comparison, the plug-in Print Order Form (enclosed) has a function call() which is called (I made a similar test commenting or uncommenting the same instruction).

Appreciate if anybody has any hint here! Cheers,




Systempay 16 03 2021 - pm.zip Print_Order_Form.zip

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