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While upgrading cc4 mysql error.

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I  am doing an upgradetest from cc3 to cc4 (v. 4.4.5).

I made a backup of the old database and did all other things that were suggested elsewhere on the forum.

The upgrade process went well, till the last step.

There it went wrong, a table should be missing.

I looked at the cc3 database and i did not see that particular table there either. Could cc4 not create that table? What can I do to solve this.

I will send the complete error picture as an attachment.


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Welcome William852! Glad to see you made it to the forums.

We may need to know the exact version of PHP that is running CubeCart.

Running CC3 (unmodified) successfully, then upgrading that to CC4, still under the same version of PHP, IMO, shouldn't have caused problems.

We would like to have more details.


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