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can serach engines affect popularity scores


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Today we decided to clear out the popularity scores as the boss wasn't overly convinced that the cart was telling the truth.

But as the scores are now rebuilding, there are a few odd balls showing up.

The scores are still young, so I appreciate that it could take months to flatten out, but it has got me wondering if seach engine spiders could trigger a score point ?


Any thoughts

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Short answer: Yes.

It seems a simple edit can be made to stop that. Unfortunately, there is no handy hook that could be used to override a parameter to the function that increments the popularity based on views.

However, in admin, a sorting can be set to choose 'views' or 'sales' to determine what shows up in the Popular Products (Best Sellers) box.


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In how many years of using CubeCart i've never seen that drop down....!!!!!!

The number of views is held in the inventory table, which can be cleared out, but where are the stats taken for number of sales.

Can this be cleared and start from scratch ?

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In admin, Sales Reports? or Statistics, Best Selling Products tab?

If Statistics, CubeCart queries the CubeCart_order_inventory table and has the database engine sum the quantities sold per product. Generally, a store owner will not want to disturb the contents of this table.

That said, getting a Data Export module built that will run in the Sales Reports section to show this same Best Selling info, but broken down by selectable time periods (month, season, quarter, year) would be helpful in a number of analysis scenarios.


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@ Keat

I purchased Noodlemans Dashboard Widgets and Advanced Reports plugin and the info in the reports are well worth the plugin cost. To me it's a great plugin that is really easy to configure to find what sales info you might ever need from individual product sales to shipping costs.

He gives a 7 day trial so maybe worth downloading it and testing it out.

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  • 1 year later...

I was actually thinking along the lines, if a spider views a product could this be triggered as a human view and thus skew the poularity figures.

Lets say google has a penchant for a particular page, this could show as a popular product even though it actually isnt.

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