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Product images not showing fully


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Hi all,

We seem to be having an issue with some product images.  Images meet the requirements of being no bigger than 350kb, and on the thumbnail they appear fully.  But when you then click onto the image, parts of the photo have been cut off as if its been cropped when it hasn't.  Its not doing it on all images, just some.

We are running version 6.2.2 and latest version is 6.4.4 - could that be it?

Any ideas on how this can be solved?

Kind regards

Leanne & Simon (www.torablades.com)

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Welcome HengleBengle! Glad to see you made it to the forums.

The issue with this is (in my opinion) a less than 100% acceptable solution to the problem of the horizontally-displayed gallery of thumbnails below the main image area that will bounce up and down as the larger image changes across different heights.

The solution was to have lavascript calculate the height of one of the images (I think the primary image) and set the displayable area to that height.

Then, if a secondary image is taller, the height of the displayable image is not recalculated -- to prevent the bounce -- but ends up hiding part of the taller image.

The solution, then, is to make sure all product images are 600x600 even if it means adding more pixels to the image to get those dimensions (expanding the canvas, so to speak, with a white background).

Also, the height of the vertically-displayed thumbnails has a hard limit on the stack height: 350 pixels and the overflow is hidden. You might think about changing this in the css file to overflow:visible. (I will have to scan for this css rule to find the file it in.)

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The file with the css rule mentioned above is /skins/foundation/css/cubecart.css, near line 359.

CubeCart gathers up all the css files and combines them into one file and caches it. So, to see the changed effect, have CubeCart clear its internal cache (admin, upper-right corner, Clear Cache button).


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