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Google Category after update to 6.4.7


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Google Category in all products, after update to 6.4.7, have disappeared.

I mean that all the google category product entries are not showing and once entered are not retained.

I have attached an error log. I am getting an enormous amount of system errors too. 85K per day.

Any suggestions?

google category-cubecart.docx


If you have CubeCart's debug mode enabled, turn it off. I *believe* that switching off Debug mode will quiet the PHP8 Warnings (used to be Notices in PHP7).

As for Google, please see:




However, looking at your error list, they are all Notices (for undefined things). That tells me you are running PHP7.

Still, turning off debug should suppress 99.9999% of these errors getting logged.

Smarty may have different ideas about throwing error messages. An error message that references a file in /cache/skin/ is when Smarty complains.


Aha, I looked over the forum for a "Google Category" item, but did not review the Github files. Debug now turned off. No system errors.  Looking forward to the next update.


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