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Admin pages not showing after upgrade to PHP 8.0


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Hi all

I am running a shop on Fasthosts installed version is 6.4.7 with no add ons installed. Fasthosts PHP support requires a move to 8.0 in November, just tried the upgrade, unfortunately it has stopped the Admin pages showing at all. I've tried inprivate browsing on various browsers but seeing nothing.

The error log shows a large number of warnings, as attached.

Have reverted to PHP7.4 and all is well again, but obviously would like to get to a working PHP8 situation if I can.

Hope someone might have some suggestions what I  could try?

Thanks in advance for any help




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These are all Warnings (was Notices in PHP 7) that would not prevent a page from being delivered.

You were able to log in as an admin?

One of the errors in the file (regarding array_keys in dashboard.index.inc.php at line 311) suggests that you are not running CubeCart 6.4.7 -- at least the files in the folder admin_n6kWr4 are not the latest version.

How folders on your site start with admin?


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Many thanks for the reply, when I went to the admin login I just got a completely blank page. I then went to inprivate browsing and got the login page but it did not recognise the password - once I used the forgot password link I could login but even on an in private session I got a completely blank page when I had logged in. Thats when I reverted to PHP7.4 and all was fine.

I just looked and I have an "admin" folder and an "admin_n6kWr4", but the maintenance page on cubecart says I upgraded to 6.4.7 on 31 Aug 2022.

Does that indicate something?

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One of those folders will have a more current timestamp - as well as the likelyhood of two administration script files that start with admin (admin.php and admin_HASH.php).

Please examine the contents of the file /includes/global.inc.php.

The values for the variables of 'admin_folder' and 'admin_file' must be that of the latest folder and file. The latest-dated folder and file will most likely be the actual CC647 version of the code.

Perhaps the latest-dated of the pair are the plainly-named versions.

If so, you should update the values of the $glob variables for 'admin_file' and 'admin_folder' to be that of the plainly-named versions: 'admin' for the admin_folder and 'admin.php' for the admin script file.

Then, the web address for calling the latest version will be www.example.com/admin.php.

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Many thanks for taking the time to respond, I will give that a try first thing tomorrow, I am guessing this indicates we have had a bit of a glitch during installation of the latest version. Will update to confirm whether this does the trick in case anyone else experiences this problem.

Thanks again!

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Thanks again, have followed the instructions and have the latest version of the Admin pages working so I can now move on and try the PHP8 upgrade on my hosting. 

I do have a problem though, on my orders screen I no longer have the order number showing, so I can't use it to open the order for viewing/printing etc.  Not sure if this is something anyone has seen before?

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Is there still an Edit icon (just to the left og the red Bin icon in the right-most column)?

Have you chosen to use a custom Order Number syntax? (admin, Store Settings, Features tab, "Order Number Format")

If so, have you checked the checkbox for "Apply format to all past orders"?

If not, we need to make some pointed edits to the code to figure out where the data is getting lost.

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Thanks again for your help here - I can see the edit icon fine, which allows me to see the order. And when I go to print the order, the order number shows on the browser tab the packing slip appears in so it is clearly being generated and saved in the database. But the order number is not on the packing slip either.

I've got a standard order number far as I know, format 221022-190648-5045 and the order number was present until I switched to the latest admin pages.

Thanks in advance for any further suggestions


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