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Do not send email notifications on status change


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I am assuming that if the above notification is checked or not Cubecart will always send a customer an email when an order is initially placed.  Correct?

If so, how can I have this box checked by default. I don't want to send an email automatically thru Cubecart when the order is completed.

Also the change password and cancel order emails will still be sent if needed, right?

Thanks for any and all help

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CubeCart does not send an email to the customer when an order gets set to Pending. (The admin can choose to be notified, however.) I understand that there are one or two Payment Gateways that will send a courtesy email.)

Applicable to all-digital orders, iIn admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc section, "Force Order Completed Emails" can be unchecked and "Allow order "Processing" status to be skipped?" setting can be checked.

Orders that have digital items to download will (should) continue to have the download link emails be sent when the order moves out of Pending (but not Gift Certificate notifications).

In the admin skin file orders.index.php:

Near line 139, find:
<span><input type="hidden" name="skip_email" id="skip_email" class="toggle" value="0"></span>
Change to:
<span><input type="hidden" name="skip_email" id="skip_email" class="toggle" value="1" checked="checked"></span>

Moving an order to Failed or Cancelled will still honor the "Do not send email" setting. That setting will now need to be unchecked to send those emails.

The "Do not send email" setting also affects emails sent to the admin when changing the status.

All other features and functions that send emails (Contact Us, Reviews to be approved, Password Recovery, whatever) will still be sent.

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If the Order: Confirmation email has already been sent - according to the response from a question made to the Gateway module - it won't be sent again. Also, emailing must be enabled for this order if and when the admin moves it to Processing.

Otherwise, when the order goes to Processing - via a command from the Payment Gateway module when the module determines that the payment was successful - the Order Confirmation email will get sent.

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