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Can't access ADMIN


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After clicking the "Forgot your password?" link, if CubeCart recognizes your username and email, an email will be sent with a temporary password.

Please know that CubeCart will lock out your IP address if there is 5(?) failed login attempts within 10(?) minutes. (I do not recall exactly.) You will need to wait 15(?) minutes before trying again.

If you do not want to wait, and if you have direct access to the database, you can delete the relevant row in CubeCart_blocker.


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Please view the directory where your installation of CubeCart is hosted. Your hosting provider may have provided you with a control panel (cPanel, maybe?).

There will be a file named admin_aBcXyZ.php, where aBcXyZ is a series of random letters. This is the administration page you will have your browser request:


Or, are you saying that there is a login page, but after you log in, all you get is a blank white page?

Edited by bsmither
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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, I have a similar issue, right after updating the Admin web, the user and password were not recognized, I then tried to get an email, but the new error stated: Admin name or email error.  My admin account is not working. I am only able to access the web without admin access. After reviewing the attached images, please help.

Note: PHPmyadmin screenshoot

thanks in advance



por defecto 2023-01-26 at 13.26.16.jpg

por defecto 2023-01-26 at 13.25.34.jpg

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There are browser add-ons that will auto-fill-in form fields if those form fields are recognized by the add-on to be for a well-known purpose. This auto-fill-in may not be visible to the browser user. Thus, even if the user fills in the appropriate username and email address, the add-on might send out other form values. (How the add-on would get confused about the different versions of CubeCart, I have no answer.)

So, make sure this isn't happening for you.

I notice in the database screen grab, there is a value present in the 'verify' column. This means the Admin->passwordRequest() function did get that far, but failed to prepare an output to be emailed.

So, to prepare an output to be emailed, the function needs your language code. Looking at the same record in the database, make sure that there is a value in the 'language' column.

If there is, then look in the database table CubeCart_email_content, and make sure there is a record for 'content_type' of 'admin.password_recovery' with 'language' being what was noted above.

Next, look in the database table CubeCart_email_log to see if a Admin Password Recovery email was even attempted.

I also see in the screen grab that value in the 'password column' obviously has been manually changed. The value stored in this column is complicated to derive.

This what should have been in the email, after the part of your store address and admin file name:


where email and verify are the values found in the database record.

What version of CubeCart did you upgrade from?

Also, because the data shown in the database screen grab is sensitive security data, please delete these images from your post above.

Edited by bsmither
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