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Redirecting to dashboard when saving CC6.2.9


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Hello fellow geeks. I uploaded the crosshatch skin to CC6.2.9 and then deleted it, never used in on the site, continue with the foundation, the site works great but now every time I save something, it redirects to the dashboard and the changes doesn't get recorded. I was working flawlessly before installing the skin so I assume the loop was caused due to that. I obviously cleared  cache, etc and problem persists. Thanks in advance!




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I was able to create a product and saved it just fine, but seems as if the problem occurs only when creating Product Options.Anything I click on this sections loops back to dashboard. Now I am confused :(

So weird, so I deleted the last Product Option created, it did, then I was able to re-add it and worked fine, then when I tried to create a second one, it happened again and looped back to dashboard.

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Would you happen to be opening multiple tabs in your browser, working on one tab, saving the changes, then working on another tab, then saving the changes on that tab?

Or using the browser's "Back" button?

Are you working in admin, Add/Edit Product, Options tab?

Oor are you working on admin, Product Options, Option Groups tab or Option Attributes tab?


Edited by bsmither
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Your browser has a Developer's Tools feature, usually engaged by pressing F12. The Tools has a Network tab. Have that screen open for viewing.

Keep working on the Product Options screens. After you save the work and are sent to the Dashboard, click once and highlight the last POST line entry in the list.

A side panel will be shown with details about that POST. A tab (probably named Params) will show what was POSTed.

Of interest is the number of items being POSTed.

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When this happens again, please look on the Request tab.

The Request Headers says you are sending 24K bytes to the server. That is a lot of data for this kind of POST.

I want to know (approx) how many values are getting POSTed.

By default, there is a limit of 1000 'key/value' pairs of data that PHP (and to a less stringent degree, the web server) will allow to pass through. If you are hitting that limit, then the "Security_Token" key/value is getting stripped off, Cubecart isn't getting it, and CubeCart will dump all activity and send you to the Dashboard. (FYI: this limit will also be hit when creating a lot of shipping rates in the All-in-One-Shipping module.)

If the problem is, in fact, hitting this 1000 'key/value' pair limit, there is a setting in PHP's INI.PHP configuration file that can be adjusted to bump that up to a more useful limit.

Regarding having installed the storefront skin, then removing it, I do not know how doing that could affect this. Maybe it was just coincidence? You can always put the skin back in and see what happens.

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Understood bsmither, most likely I could be passing that limit based on the amount of product options I am creating. 1,790 product options and funny enough, I created them without issues on Cube Cart 5. Then. I decided to upgrade to CC6 and now I am having issues. 

I would have to roll back to CC5 or find a solution because Cube Cart 5 is the only one that could handle that amount of options. I come from PrestaShop and it just kept crashing, so, bsmither, what setting can be increased on ini.php?

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Please have a read of these other forum conversations:


In admin, at the bottom of the left-side Navigation panel, is PHP Info. This page, in the "core" table, you will find the current setting of 'max_input_vars'.

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Dude, dude, dude! It worked like a charm, creating the .user.ini solved the issue. Thanks again bsmither, awesome job!

So, obviously the whole skin issue was just mere coincidence and I assume the max_input_vars on CC5 was higher that 2,000 because I didn't have this issue when I set up the site on it. Interesting, anyhow, have an awesome day mate!



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