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Free Shipping - Coupon Codes

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This appears to be the summary view of the order in admin, correct?

If so, I agree that the summary should indicate both what the shipping would otherwise have been, but that has been reduced because of some other function. (That function should be mentioned in the Notes tab.)

I think this is not directly related:

Let me see what I can find.

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I am not able to replicate or confirm your experience.

However, I need to know some more details.

You are viewing an order that (at the time you posted the image above) is at Processing?

What does the Shipping Information box show?

Using an external database utility, what are the contents related to shipping for this order in CubeCart_order_summary?

Are there any notes on the Notes tab?

Do you have any better idea of the steps the customer took to make the purchase?

For example:
1) the customer entered the Free Shipping coupon code before actually accepting the default selected/calculated shipping charges, or
2) accepted/changed the default selected/calculated shipping charges and then entered the Free Shipping coupon code?

Was this actually a Free Shipping coupon (as indicated in admin, Promotional Codes, editing a Free Shipping coupon, with the "Free shipping" checkbox selected)?

Edited by bsmither
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Yes, the order is at processing.

What does the Shipping Information box show? I don't know what this is.

contents related to shipping for this order in CubeCart_order_summary are $15.15

Yes, there are notes in the notes tab, due to the free shipping coupon.

Dont know the order of the steps. ( I would have to call him)  As a regular customer, using Paypal I assume he put in the free shipping code (without clicking apply) and clicked secure checkout PayPal. 

The Free Shipping coupon (as indicated in admin, Promotional Codes, editing a Free Shipping coupon, with the "Free shipping" checkbox selected.) Yes, see below.


Its a mystery I could not replicate it either.

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When viewing an order summary, Overview tab, there is a table listing the Items. Below that is a table listing Contact Details. Below that is a table showing Shipping Information.

In Shipping Information, my experiment shows:

Shipping Method: Free Coupon Shipping
Shipping Product: Free Shipping from Promotional Code
Gateway: XXXXXXX

In CubeCart_order_summary, the shipping value, does it include the dollar sign?

Can you determine where the 15.15 value came from? That is, what shipping module was used to get this shipping cost?

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"As a regular customer, using Paypal I assume he put in the free shipping code (without clicking apply) and clicked secure checkout PayPal."

Not knowing what exactly happens (sequence of calling the next page and code execution) when one clicks the PayPal Checkout button, it is entirely plausible that the customer failed to click "Apply" nor "Update Basket".

So, maybe the customer did actually pay for shipping as calculated by "Aust Post"?

But then, what is controlling the listing of the order's details in admin? (Shipping is listed but not summed.)

Looking into that.

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Looking at the screen grab of the database table details, I see that the 'total' is 264.00 (which is a correct calculation from 240.00 + 24.00 tax).

So, there is no issue to be found when showing the Order Summary for that order. The values shown is taken directly from the database record.

I am leaning toward thinking that the PayPal module, which allows for accepting data being sent back from PayPal, updated the database record with data determined by PayPal, including some sort of shipping estimate (and the shipping provider ???).


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Anything is possible at this stage. I will give the client a call and report back.

The last 4 orders have the same issue with shipping of $15.15 showing on the invoice. Orders before that were OK. The first occurrence was on the 21st of November 2022 after the CC647 update. I don't know what version of PPal was used, but I always update to the latest version.

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What I was thinking was that there may be a setting in your PayPal Merchant's Account Control Console regarding the enabling of PayPal calculating the shipping charges, and sending that info back to your store. (PayPal can do this for the customer's delivery address and phone number, overwriting whatever was originally provided by the customer at checkout - if the customer even logged in.)

So, the last four orders?? Did the last four orders all use the Free Shipping coupon?

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Yes, the last six orders used the free shipping coupon option and since November the last 4 have the issue.

I have looked over Paypal and can not find any shipping payment options.


This is a screen shot of the PayPal invoice, showing no shipping. I thought the $15.15 may have appeared here.

In my AIOS there is an entry for $15.15. However, that price is for a different state. I will alter the price to $15.16 and see if it comes up in the next order.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 months later...

Hi Brian, this may be a different issue, but I will post it here.

The current version is the latest 1.0.26.

I have a few orders from the UK to ship from Australia.

Here are my shipping rates.


Most people order one bottle and are charged $92.26 for the 1.501 -4.1 kg category.

However, the ordered bottle is 1.35 kg basket weight and therefore should be only $59.00 postage.


Any suggestions?



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"Two heads are better than one", yes, there is a packaging weight of 0.2 which "kicks" the weight into the next section. However, the basket weight at the checkout remains the same. ie 1.35 kg

Reducing the packaging weight to zero solves the issue.


PS the issue regarding the free shipping (above) continues

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