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My modification of Dillion


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I finished the switch from my old skin to a somewhat modified version of Dillion.


I'm not 100% happy with it, didn't really understand why I was having issues, dillion is based on Bootstrap 3.3.7, which is a tad out of date. At some point I'll update it to use 4.6, the differences didn't seem like that big a deal. 5.3 seemed to utterly break the navbar, would take more work that I want to get into at anypoint never mind some mythical future. 

Edited by Lastwolf
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It's great to hear that you have made the switch to a modified version of the Dillion skin for your website. Making updates and modifications to your website's design is a continuous process, and it's understandable that you may not be completely satisfied or encounter some PayMyDoctor Login issues along the way.

Bootstrap is a popular framework, and it's good that you are considering updating it to a newer version like Bootstrap 4.6 in the future. However, it's important to carefully evaluate the changes and potential impacts before making any updates, especially if it involves significant modifications to the navbar or other critical components.

Edited by Gerald Plott
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