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Are there individuals or businesses?

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Hi, I'm wondering if it's feasible to integrate my supplier's XML service server, including stock information, with my Cubecart website. The goal is to display all relevant details on my site, allowing customers to make purchases. However, I want the order information to be forwarded to the supplier for fulfillment, while the payment remains in my account. Are there individuals or businesses in this forum capable of implementing such a solution?

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Pulling from supplers' inventory feeds, or accepting push feeds, I don't think has been developed. Although the latest versions of CubeCart have implemented a cron-based API to (currently) pull currency exchange rates, clear CubeCart's internal cache, and a means for plugins to have their hooks triggered.

The task here is to get the specifics of what product details and in what format the pull or push file needs to be.

Sending order details (by email) to suppliers for dropshipping has been done. (However, there are features not developed that would make this plugin more comprehensive, such as push notifications back to CubeCart that the dropship has been shipped.)


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