I did find an IcoMoon page full of free icons that show the SVG code. https://icomoon.io/app/#/select So I took the code for the gift box, added it to the icon-sprites.svg file. I took off the title line, and it WORKS!! from icomoon: <symbol id="icon-gift" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <title>gift</title> <path class="path1" d="M24.11 10c0.566-0.402 1.11-0.851 1.608-1.348 1.044-1.044 1.742-2.328 1.966-3.616 0.246-1.412-0.115-2.723-0.988-3.597-0.697-0.697-1.641-1.065-2.7