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Posts posted by Syler

  1. Hi Guys,

    How are we? Hope everyone's fine.

    I have an issue here that I'm hoping if you guys would kindly assist please.
    I tried to manually change the order status from 'Pending' to 'Processing' but always ended up with a blank page (why..) ?
    I've also done a couple of test purchase with real payments through PayPal and waiting to see if the status change automatically but nothing's changed even after I have received payment confirmations from PayPal. It has been like over 30 minutes ago now.

    Thank you.

  2. For those who have read this post..

    With the assistance of others on this forum and a special BIG THANK YOU to bsmither, after further experiments with various shipping scenarios, I have come to realise that the Per_Category shipping module should serve my needs after all :P:D

    The way the 'Per_Category' module works, is that it considers there to be only ONE shipment regardless of there being two or more 'per shipment' rates from whichever categories presented to the cart. The Per_Category module will ONLY USE ONE of it and that is the one with the HIGHEST 'per shipment' rate.

    So for those who need a shipping module that can 'combine shipping' and not worrying about the size or weight but rather by pre-estimate in advance how much it should cost to send a particular item and at the same time can combine shipping with other items, I say this should be THE BEST method.

    And lastly, I got to say this..
    Thank you kindly to all the legends of this forum, a legend such as bsmither for all of his contributions of helping others like myself who don't know much in the world of programming. For that I salute you.



  3. We can achieve that if we can have CubeCart's Product category and Shipping category independently of each other.
    Shipping gets its value from whatever category we would like it to get.
    Product sits in wherever categories we want the product to belong to.
    Because of that, breadcrumb will show exactly how the product is categorised.

    And the birds will be singing and the world is beautiful HAHAHAHA.. (I must be stressed) LOL

  4. If the option that I suggested up there could be implement, that would be an awesome shipping solution as we have full control.
    OK, let's say we set up a few categories like;

    • extrasmall @ Per Shipment = $2.00 and Per Item = $1.00
    • small @ Per Shipment = $5.00 and Per Item = $2.00
    • medium @ Per Shipment = $10.00 and Per Item = $3.00
    • large @ Per Shipment = $15.00 and Per Item = $5.00

    From there we can always choose which one fits best for the next line of products that you may want to sell.
    As long as those categories is not visible to the customers and should only be used to assign shipping.

    Another example using the solution above:
    Customer is buying 1 x printer and the shipping is (large) $15.00+$5.00 = $20.00
    Also buying 2 x cartridges and the shipping is (extrasmall) $2.00+$1.00+$1.00 = $4.00
    Total shipping will be $24.00

    Totally agree that one most likely know how one got to the product page.
    We should be able to replicate the steps to get to the page again if we navigate it ourselves.
    But what happen if we got to the page by clicking the randomly displayed 'FEATURED PRODUCT'.
    Once we left the page, we don't know how to get back to it if we don't know where it belongs.

  5. Hi bsmither and Dirty Butter,

    It's so nice to have you guys also joined in and looking into this issue.
    Sorry if I was sleeping for the last few hours. My last post was like at 3.00am Australia time, so even though I was very curious but I also need to snooze LOL.

    Alright, so regardless of the category is set to 'not visible', it will always shows up in the breadcrumb when the product is viewed if that category is the primary category for that product.

    Ideally, when selecting category for a product, there should be another radio button to tick, an option like 'GET SHIPPING RATE FROM' next to the PRIMARY | ADDITIONAL | CATEGORY NAME columns. And there you can see every categories that already have shipping rates assigned. So it's like, which category the product belongs to and where CubeCart should get shipping rates are independently off each other.
    Naturally, as you have set up a few categories with all different shipping rates, the next NEW products that you want to sell could probably use one of them.

    So..Back to the initial question, is it possible to do a little tweak to get CubeCart to also look beyond 'Primary' category when getting shipping value? Or.. Should I just remove the breadcrumb? Which as a customer, I do see breadcrumbs as an important thing of a website. Not only it gives information where the product is sitting but also ease with navigation.


  6. What I'm trying to achieve is combine shipping.
    Let's say the store is selling DVDs and the categories are laid out like this:

    Parent Category / Sub Category / product.html
    Movies                / Thriller             / Title01.html
                                                         / Title02.html

                               / Action              / Title03.html
                                                         / Title04.html

    And the shipping costs: Per Shipment = $5.00 and Per Item = $1.00

    The shipping costs need to be entered in parent category (Movies) and shouldn't be in sub-category (genre).
    Cause otherwise it will make buying 2 x DVD disc from category 'Thriller' cost $7.00 in shipping,
    but then buying (1 x DVD disc from category 'Thriller' + 1 x DVD disc from category 'Action') total to $12.00 shipping.
    Both are equals to 2 x DVD discs but the shipping costs doesn't make sense.

    Now, of course I can use category 'Movies' as primary category for all of the products and have them also in the 'Genre' categories at the same time, to sort them up.
    But then when the product page is viewed, the breadcrumb navigation will not show the Genre category (cause it's just an additional).
    Instead, it will show something like this: Movies/Title01.
    So now customers can't tell what Genre is 'Title01' belong to.

    I hope I'm not confusing..

  7. Hello Al,

    It's always nice to see you again.

    It only take the shipping value from whichever category that is ticked as 'Primary'.
    So if I have them like this for example:

    Category A (parent category) / Category B (sub-category) / Product01.html

    Category A: Has shipping value.
    Category B: No shipping value, but is ticked as the 'Primary' category for Product01.

    Shipping cost for Product01 will be zero dollars cause Category B doesn't have any shipping value.
    It doesn't look at the shipping value in Category A (parent category) cause Category A is not marked as 'Primary'.
    My question is, can this be changed so it doesn't rely solely on 'Primary'?

    I'm not sure but I think the codes is along Line: 784-790 in classes/cart.classes.php
    But I don't know what to change.


  8. Hi Guys,

    Not sure if this is possible but would be an almost perfect shipping system if it is..

    For Cubecart V6.04
    Is there any ways to make the Shipping Per Category not defaulting/relying to 'Primary Category' for the shipping costs?
    But rather get the shipping costs from whichever category that has the shipping costs entered.


  9. Hi Al, Thank you so much for the fast reply and the instruction.
    Really appreciate it. Hopefully this rusty brain still up to it.. LOL

    By the way, I just found something interesting with 'Expand category navigation tree' option in CC v6.
    So if that option is set to 'NO', then basically no one can get to any sub-categories if browsing using mobile phone since no thumbnails is displayed.
    Just want to confirm that or is it just my phone?

  10. Hello everybody,

    It's nice to be back here again.
    It's been a few years since I got involved with setting up a website.
    A lot has changed but as always, CubeCart is still my choice.

    Anyway, could someone please kindly help and point me to the right place where I can increase the size of the Sub-Category thumbnails for CC v6.04 Foundation skin.
    Any previous post maybe? I've been searching but only see post from 2011 which I believe is not going to be valid for CC v6.

    Thank you.

  11. Just as a wild guess, do you have the SEO URL feature turned on?

    Not being exceedingly familiar with CC4 (as I am with CC3), can you elaborate on where exactly a customer needs to be (mention all known page views) to have a link presented to them that contains this mal-formed address?

    When you say, "In my ADMIN side...," where exactly are you in admin? In a shipping module?

    Yes, I have the SEO feature ON and I have tried OFF and still having the same issue.

    OK.. it's like this, customer can view their 'Order History' once they've logged in to their account and can choose to see more details of any particular order by clicking the Order Number,

    which will take them to 'View Order' page, and somewhere in that page, they can click on the link that says 'Track this order' which supposed to take them to whatever courier company URL that I have assigned,

    through my CubeCart ADMIN area by clicking 'Orders' and choose an order and click 'Edit' and in that 'Edit Order' page, there is a field call 'Courier Tracking' where I can assign any URL for that 'Track this order' link that customer can click on.

    I hope I am making it clear enough this time.

  12. Hi Everyone,

    I am setting up a new store (CubeCart version 4.4.5) and having an issue regarding 'Tracking Shipping' for customers.

    Somehow the Courier Tracking URL that I specified is displayed after my Store URL?

    Example: www-mywebsitename-com-au/www-fedex-com-au

    Please note: dot is replaced with dash for this post only.

    In my ADMIN side, I only entered www-fedex-com-au ^_^

    but then when it is clicked from the STORE (from customer account), it comes out as www-mywebsitename-com-au/www-fedex-com-au :o

    I ended up with 'The webpage cannot be found' as it is looking for it within my website. :angry:

    Any idea what might have caused this issue please? :unsure:



  13. Hi Guys, A few bugs of the CC5.1 here that I noticed.

    Things like:

    • Stock level not reduce on pending order although being set so.
    • Stock level reduce only when order status is changed from 'Pending' to 'Processing'.
    • New order email only get sent after order status is changed from 'Pending' to 'Process' or other options.
    • Status 'Order Declined' not sending any email.
    • 'Show Stock Levels' activated but don't show anything in store.

    If pending order is not meant to send any email, then how do I know if I have any pending orders that need attention?

    I mean I can't keep checking my admin every minutes.

    I really like to get version 5.1 but would like to know if those bugs have been fixed or not?

    I have tried to do research on the forum but can't really find any posts related to those issues.

    Just wondering if anybody out there experience the same thing? Thank you.

  14. Hi everybody,

    I need help with Cubecart Version 4.3.0 please.

    No problem before but now suddenly I have these issues with the image database: :o

    1. Manage Images only showing new uploaded images while with the old ones which uploaded about 1 year ago, it says 'No images have been added' although images are still showing in Store, still in the server (access via FTP) and also the lists are still showing in the FCKeditor.
    2. Rebuild & Recount>Update Image Database just return blank white screen (no error message, just nothing and nothing is fixed).
    3. Rebuild & Recount>Delete orphaned thumbnails somehow removed every thumbnails of those old images while the thumbnails of the new uploaded images are fine.

    I don't know how long these issues have been and just discovered it recently when trying to remove a few images from a product.

    Just for additional info, the Mod use here is: Pro Image Manager CC4 v1.5 20081211 by Estelle Winterflood.

    I don't think it has any contributions to it as the mod has already being used from the very begining after cubecart was installed.

    Any ideas what could be the problem? :unsure:

    Your help will be very much appreciated.

    Thank You,


  15. Hi Everyone,

    I'm using CC4 and was wondering how to change the price display in the product page to show as 'N/A' instead of showing $0.00 when there is no price entered. If this question has been asked before, could anyone please kindly point me to the right direction of the forum? Thank you!

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