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Everything posted by cherylb

  1. kay many thanks for your reply - i tried something similar with the source code before in DW but couldn't get it to work. i have my CC4 installation on wampserver (kindly suggested by OBC) that i modify using firebug & notpading the css & tpl's. with regard to using DW i'm not sure if i got this part of your method right? - ie i downloaded the CC installed files from wampserver to my desktop & then placed the saved index page source code from DW in the root folder. when i open the saved "homepage" file again in DW it still displays without any styles. cheryl.
  2. so in DW you use it to "basically" move/delete the placeholders & edit the css files? - i've been using Firebug to identify the various bits & pieces then i change the files in notepad - i just thought there was some fancy trick to display more styles etc in DW.
  3. obc - thanks again - i installed WS 2.0i & my CC4 & its working fine. however that said i'm still totally confused regarding the editing in DW. when i open index.tpl (& other) all i get is a plain table with the placeholders - my question is can i relate the style & layout files so that i can change colours etc or is this not possible? kindly appreciated.
  4. imo customising a skin is not for the inexperienced & faint hearted - if you use mozilla you can get the firebug addon that will help identify some of the page elements that are controlled by the layout.css & style.css files. i bought CC because it stated you could easily customize skins using a wysiwyg editor like dreamweaver - i've searched the web & posted on forums but can find no real information on how this is done. you will basically have to play about & familiarise (using your copy skin) yourself with the ins & outs of the folders & files within the styleSheets folder of your skin.
  5. many thanks for your reply however i'm not sure how i would use SSI to display the kitablue skin - cheryl
  6. hi - i'm trying to change the basic look of the kitablue skin ie content box header colour, various link text colours etc. i've beeg using firebug to identify what i need to change in the layout & style css files. however ii was wondering is there a "quick way" to do this in dreamweaver? - i loaded the page source code & added the layout/style css code to <head> but no css is applied when i test in browser obviously i'm not heading in the right direction. would therefore be very grateful for some pointers or advice as to what i'm doing wrong - cheers
  7. hi aussy - i was experimenting using 'firebug' & firefox 'web developer toolbar' but could only find 'boxTitleLeft/boxTitleRight' but no 'content' - don't know why? anyway will edit as per your instructions - kindly appreciated.
  8. hi - i've been trying to change (without any overall success) all the colour bars in my 'kita blue' skin to another colour - can anyone point me in the right direction - many thanks
  9. sevencyn - sorry for delay - was down with the flu. i entered wrong pw during setup & couldn't access store admin. this is how i fixed it 1) the s/ key info (etc) is held in the "includes/global.inc.php" file - you will need to d/load this file (global.inc.php) using filezilla etc to your pc & open it "in code view" with a html editor like dreamweaver. there, you will be able to view, change or edit your pw. 2) if your s/w key is incorrect, edit to correct, save & upload again to the "includes" folder (important: the "permissions" on the file itself is set by default to "read only" so you will need to temporarily set to "write"). 3) finally delete the file "key.php" - its held in the "extra" folder ie "extra/ key.php" - don't worry, CC will generate a new one. hope this helps.
  10. hi - got it sorted - if anyone interested pls reply.
  11. hi, i believe i typed in the incorrect software key during setup. hence can't access admin - showing error 4. have deleted key.php file. anyone know how i can correct the key? thank you
  12. ausy - thanks for your reply - so apart from keeping public_html tidy it doesn't matter if you install in a defined folder or not - its my first installation - perhaps i'm being too cautious - thanks again.
  13. hi - i'm going to manually install CC 4. the question is: can i install it 'directly' into the public_html directory or do i need to create a separate folder (within public_html) for it to install ? many thanks.
  14. hi, i going to install CC using filezilla into a folder called shop1. i've read that on completing the store setup via admin a warning is given that the store will not work until the 'install' directory is deleted. do i just delete the shop1 folder or does the 'intall' diirectory refer to something different? many thanks.
  15. hi, i haven't d/loaded CC yet - was torn between it & litecommerce as the latter allowed checkout without a customer account/login (some don't like this). can someone confirm that CC V4 definitely allows express checkout (without login) ? cheers.
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