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Posts posted by tomoharu

  1. Considering that there are apparently so many people with this problem - it is a little surprising that there have been no responses ?!

    (some of us come here every-so-often)

    Ok, as far as I know, there are no specifics to how and when this happens on my site. Some customers, most in Northern Europe, get this issue each time they try to checkout, no matter the browser, cookies setting, OS, login time, etc. I can reproduce one of the PayPal issues (loses session in the middle of final checkout steps) on Firefox, but not Opera. One good customer tries it at home on her pc, and at work on her mac, with the same result: returns to the home page and logs her out.

    Sometimes when customer click for PayPal Express, either the gold button or the final payment option selection, it just says thier order was complete, but does not take them to PayPal. Cart is emptied at this point and there is no record of an order. This one particularly angers customers, or potential customers.

  2. As it notes above, staff doesn't frequent the forums, at least not every post. They know about this, and with a search you can find many posts on the subject. There have been several bug reports opened at http://bugs.cubecart.com , which seem to have disappared for the most part.

    However, PayPal express has their share of problems, which they don't post most of on their site dev blog, but the forum users post the issues. They recently "upgraded" it, somewhat breaking it for a couple days.

  3. I am aware this sounds just like what you posted above, but I just double-checked the route.

    Go into your PayPal account. On the top header menu, click on Profile, located under the Account tab (first place when you log in anyway). Under Account Information, click on "request API credentials", below email, phone, etc. Select Option 1-PayPal API. If for some odd reason it's not there, call PayPal. ;)

    Here's a screenshot of the page:


  4. (Gotta give us a day or two---some of us only check these forums once in a while)

    Go to includes/content/profile.inc.php Edit out the sections you don't want. For intance, I have phone and mobile removed so that the first relevant lines are:

    if (empty($_POST['firstName']) || empty($_POST['lastName']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['add_1']) || empty($_POST['town']) || empty($county) || empty($_POST['postcode']) || empty($_POST['country'])) {

    $errorMsg = $lang['profile']['complete_all'];

    } else if (!validateEmail($_POST['email'])) {

    $errorMsg = $lang['profile']['email_invalid'];

    } else if(isset($emailArray) && $emailArray == true && $emailArray[0]['type'] == 1) {

    $errorMsg = $lang['profile']['email_inuse'];

    } else {

    ## update database

    $data['firstName'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['firstName']);

    $data['lastName'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['lastName']);

    $data['email'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['email']);

    $data['companyName'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['companyName']);

    $data['add_1'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['add_1']);

    $data['add_2'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['add_2']);

    $data['town'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['town']);

    $data['county'] = $db->mySQLSafe($county);

    $data['postcode'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['postcode']);

    $data['country'] = $db->mySQLSafe($_POST['country']);

    You have to remove the same ones you don't want further down the page too, but you get the idea.

    Remove the same fields (er, different code, but if you don't want County, remove the relevant lines) here: /includes/content/reg.inc.php

    Then, go into skins/(yourskinname)/styleTemplates/content/reg.tpl AND skins/(yourskinname)styleTemplates/content/profile.tpl and do the same. I think that's it. Back up first!! I made all sorts of messes doing this the first time.

  5. Er...no. Go to your store. Click on a product. Click on "Tell a friend". You will see that the text you relayed here is the standard "tell a friend" text that's already there and can be edited by each customer. Could be bots scanning each page, or legitimate/potential customers (not everyone logs in to browse).

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