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Everything posted by ploughguy

  1. You will need to clarify to get an answer to this" Do you want to change standard cubecart texts in another language? Do you want to add another language and provide your own translation? The translations are stored in files under directory <cc_home>/language/<iso_language>. e.g. language/en. There are separate subfolders and files for various areas. You can see the file names in admin/module/language - the path to the file is in the "Current location" breadcrumb trail above the list of texts.
  2. Easy: - Admin/sources/orders/print.inc.php has the code. - Admin/styles/print.css is the stylesheet. It is a pretty basic document - everything is there but the presentation is pretty rough. For a starter, it is not a packing slip, it is an invoice - packing slips don't demean themselves by talking about money. PG.
  3. I am prepping my store, learning heaps of PHP, and generally hackin' around and having a good time. I am doing a bit of development (such as not even mentioning the word "Discount" unless they absolutely deserve one. Everytime _I_ get an invoice with "Discount $0.00" I ring up and ask why. Last thing I need is the undeserving demanding to pay less.) As a result I have, and will need to retain, a development system. I am about to stuff the production instance into the host server, at which point I will have two instances of CubeCart (which is allowed under the license,) but they will have different IP addresses. Question 1: How is the licensing handled by the cubecart control page? It has only space for one IP address. The development system is on a local virtual machine, and as such has a 192.168.<blah> IP address. The production instance is on a hosting service and will have a number-salad address and a domain name. Therefore there will be a fight. I saw some mumbling about key.ini files, but I don't really understand what the official best practice solution is for this. CC seems (quite reasonably) to be fairly finnicky about changes in IP address, so I expect that registering the production site's virtual host IP in the CC Control Panel will disable the development system. Question 2: Can I take the copyright removal key for a test drive in the development system, or will that somehow cause problems when I later want to put it into the production system? Thank you for your help, should you feel moved to provide it, PG.
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