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Posts posted by m_torrance

  1. Thanks!

    Do you know if there is a way to get an array of the featured items?

    It looks like the code in box.featured.php is getting a single random item from products that have "featured" turned on.

    This would allow for the featured products to always populate the homepage slider so the items can be changed easily for different holidays etc.

    Actually, I don't see a "featured" setting in products. HOw are the featured items determined?

  2. Well, that should be sufficient.


    I would like to do a similar thing on the category pages. A slider at the top that populates with the image for the category then the products listed on that page. I have it working to the extent that the category images shows, but it is of course calling the thumbnail for the products. Where would I add the same or similar line of code to call the other sizes? In the cubecart.class.php file but somewhere outside of featured products?

  3. Hi All,


    I have placed a slider on the homepage of a site I'm setting up. I'm using Latest Products as a starting point and everything works fine except using {$product.image} of course gives the same size image that is used in the Featured Products box in the sidebar. How can I call a larger version of the image from the for loop?


    Here is the foreach loop


    {foreach from=$LATEST_PRODUCTS item=product}
    <div class="peKb_active" data-delay="5" >
    <a class="image" href="{$product.url}"><img src="{$product.image}" alt="{$product.name}" /></a>
    and here is a link to the page.
    Thanks a bunch,
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