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Posts posted by clamor

  1. Thanks, I'll back up the file and give it a try. Feeling a little perplexed about how to put the Adsense code into the sidebar but I will check the earlier post I mentioned above. I managed to set this up on my landing page and a WordPress blog so if I can view the source code for those it might help. I will log back on in a few days and update on my progress.

  2. Hi


    I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question. I would like to place Adsense ads in the sidebar of the shopping cart. Is there a mod developed (compatible with CC5) that would allow me to do this? Alternatively, is there a mod developed that will enable HTML in the sidebar? I have read on the forum about coding that allows images to be put in the sidebar but I do not have the technical skills to do this.


    For the time being, I have activated Adsense on the right hand side of my landing page, which is separate to CC. I have also placed Adsense at the bottom of a few of my document pages. I am a bit concerned that the Adsense script may conflict with Smarty but so far it seems to be okay. I will test the checkout over the next couple of days just to be sure there are no issues.


    I don't expect to make a fortune from Adsense but I am hoping it will help to increase traffic and raise my ranking in Google and other search engines.


    Thanks for any advice you can offer.

  3. I was thrilled to find this new feature as my products are specifically listed at the sub-category level. It is a bit of extra work but well worth it as I am hoping the website will be more likely to show up in relevant searches. Can you please share how your solution for enablng the dropdown selector to hold a default value works?

  4. Hi SimChris


    Thanks for taking the time to reply and  that was very helpful. I managed to uncompress and reload the CC sitemap to the store directory (after deleting the compressed version). I know now that it is not necessary to uncompress the file but I like to see what is going on. I was intending to copy the xml lines for CC into the sitemap in the public .html section of the main site as suggested above. Unfortunately, I have reached the limit of sitemap submissions for the month so this was not possible. The main sitemap is quite recent so this should not be a huge issue. I was worried that I might be breaking Google's rules by having two sitemaps. If Google doesn't have an issue with your set-up it should be all be okay.

  5. Thanks once again to you both. I really appreciate your time and interest. Your answers have helped so I will look more closely at the sitemaps today. It is a great suggestion to join one of the forums mentioned.

  6. Thanks for the responses. Should I uncompress the gz file or leave it as it is? I will try Dirty Butter's method of copying the XML lines for CC into the sitemap for the home directory. I am not sure if I can do this so will it cause problems with Google if I have two sitemaps (one in the public html folder and the other in the shopping cart folder)?

  7. Hi


    I have just discovered the inbuilt sitemap generator and have decided to try it out. I usually upload a sitemap generated by external software. I have used the rebuild function under Maintenance and the sitemap has uploaded to my shopping cart which is located in a subdirectory of my site. . When I enter the URL path on IE Explorer I am given a message asking whether I want to open or save the file. The sitemap should be clearly visible. Also, I have submitted the sitemap.xml.gz file to Google webmaster tool. Would there be any problem in having two sitemaps on webmaster tools (the cubecart version in the subdirectory and the externally generated sitemap.xml)) - as I understand the cubecart sitemap generator will not include my separate landing page? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Hi Again


    I switched off reCAPTCHA yesterday and there has only been one spam email via the website so far. As I understand it, the purpose of reCAPTCHA is to prevent or minimise spamming via robots accessing website forms. So, having given this issue more thought, I decided I need another way to protect the website forms. The two forms that need to be protected are the contact form and the registration form. There does not appear to be any way to access the newsletter registration form but this one is probably not as important. I don't think I need to protect the checkout from robots because, as another member pointed out some time ago, robots do not have credit cards or PayPal accounts. So, it occurred to me that robots.txt may be a solution. I already have a robots.txt file in the public domain area of the website that excludes the cgi-bin and images folder. Initially, I thought I would simply update the file to disallow the URLs for each of the form pages however this will apparently alert potential hackers that the pages exist. Another alternative is to place robots text on the actual form pages in the header as follows: <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">. This tells the robots not to index or follow the links on the page. I have entered this robots text in the Contact Form source code (although I could not access the header section so it is in the body section). Where can I find the register.html page? Is this the same as the content.register.php form under skins/skin name/templates?


    I hope this helps other members if I am on the right track with this approach. I would appreciate any feedback and thanks in advance for your help

  9. Thanks for responding so quickly. I have turned  reCAPTCHA off for the time being to see if it makes a difference. Unfortunately my customers are not necessarily computer literate. There are some nice visual captcha options around but they all seem to be developed for Wordpress.  

  10. Hi Everyone


    There have been lively discussions about this issue in the past but not for some time so I am starting a new topic. The  reCAPTCHA option for anti-spamming applies to all forms including the checkout and this is difficult for customers. The text is extremely hard to read and puts people off. As I tried to log-in to raise this issue my password was not recognised and when I used the lost password option I encountered a  reCAPTCHA form. Four attempts to enter the  reCAPTCHA text later I managed to complete the task. I was aware of the option to reset the text but this is not intuitive for many people. I want to remove the  reCAPTCHA from the checkout and leave it in place for other forms. Has anyone figured out how to do this? Alternatively, I would prefer to turn off  reCAPTCHA and add a checkbox ('Are you human? - Yes or No) on every form including the checkout. Does anyone have any script for setting this up? I have found the contact form but where are all the other forms located? I am not a script writer or IT expert so please be kind if responding to this post. I noticed there is a plug-in available but the reviews vary so I would like to try to get around this myself if possible.


    All the best for the holiday season and Happy New Year!

  11. Hi


    I know this question has been asked before but I do not understand the instructions given in previous posts. I believe the Google Adwords conversion tracking code needs to be placed near the bottom of the content.receipt.php page. Can this page be accessed and changed within the software or does it need to be found on the server?


    I am a bit nervous about changing anything at the server end.


    Thanks for your help.


  12. Hi


    I know that the question was asked by another member and it was resolved but I do not understand how to go about replacing the image in the invoice template. Does this need to be done at the server end or can the template be accessed within the software? I would appreciate advice on this as the invoice is inserting an image that is far too large.

  13. Cubecart is in a sub-directory at present.  It sounds as though I can have an index.html "landing page" with a link to the store in the public_html folder on the server without causing any problems with CubeCart. Is this correct? The reason I need to do a redirect is that my website only contains Cubecart at the moment.  So, a search on the domain name will show nothing unless it is redirected to the CubeCart index.php page. I hope this is a bit clearer.

  14. Hi Everyone


    I am a new user and purchased the full version today after trying out the lite version for the past few weeks. The cart looks great as it is but I have to do a redirect from my .com URL. Is it better to set up an index.html page and link to the cart? I am happy with the pink Mican skin for now.  If I do set up an index.html page is it okay to use the pink Mican background image or will this break any rules? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

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