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Posts posted by goodspark

  1. When using a coupon code in CC5, the sales tax is being charged at the full retail price of a product instead of the discounted price from a coupon. Shouldn't the tax be charged at the product total price, including discounts?


    Let's assume sales tax is 5%. For example, if a dress is $50 but a coupon makes it 10% off, the new product price is $45 so the sales tax should be $2.25. Instead, the sales tax calculates at $2.50 (the original, non-couponed price).


    I found this commented out in the cart class, inside the _applyDiscounts function:


    // reduce tax value for coupon
    // $taxdiscount =  $this->basket['total_tax']*($data['value']/100);
    // $this->basket['total_tax'] = $taxdiscount;
    // $GLOBALS['cart']->set('order_taxes', $taxdiscount);
    I tried uncommenting it, but it isn't updating the tax amount. Any ideas?
  2. I feel like I am getting close.  I have it adding to the basket, but only the first item in the grid.


    Products page:

    {foreach from=$option.values item=value}

    <input type="text" size="2" {if $value.stock_level == 0 && $value.matrix == 1} disabled="disabled" {/if} name="quan[{$value.assign_id}]" />

    {$PRODUCT.product_code}{$value.value_name}<input type="hidden" name="productOptions[{$value.assign_id}]" value="{$value.assign_id}" /><input type="hidden" name="optid" value="{$option.option_id}" />



    Cart Class:

    $opts = $_POST['productOptions'];
    $quans = $_POST['quan'];
    foreach($quans as $key => $value) {
    if($quans[$key] > 0){
    $masteropt[$_POST['optid']] = $opts[$key];
    $this->add((int)$_POST['add'], $masteropt, (int)$quans[$key]);
    Is there a way to see the POST variables that are going to the cart? I'm not sure why it isn't iterating past the first item.
  3. I think the issue is that they key on the array using the admin uses the same key over and over since it is the product id, which is why the version I darted with wasn't working. So I updated to use the option value as the key so that it is unique. Still stuck, but this is where I am at right now. I think I am passing in the options array wrong, but can't figure out why.


    On the products page:

    <input type="text" size="2" {if $value.stock_level == 0 && $value.matrix == 1} disabled="disabled" {/if} name="add[{$value.assign_id}][quantity]" />

    <input type="hidden" name="add[{$value.assign_id}][product]" value="{$PRODUCT.product_id}" />

    <input type="hidden" name="add[{$value.assign_id}][opt]" value="{$option.option_id}" />


    This correctly outputs:

    <input type="text" size="2"  name="add[1959][quantity]" />

    <input type="hidden" name="add[1959][product]" value="838" />

    <input type="hidden" name="add[1959][opt]" value="1" />


    On the cart class:

    if (is_array($_POST['add'])) {
    foreach ($_POST['add'] as $key => $value) {
    // adding multiple options at once
    $optvalue = $key;
    $optid = $value['opt'];
    $prodid = $value['product'];
    $quan = $value['quantity'];
    if(is_numeric($quan) && $quan > 1) {
    $quantity = (int)$quan;
    $this->add((int)$prodid, $options[$optid][$optvalue], $quantity);
    On adding to cart, I am getting the "Please select required options before adding to your basket." message, which makes me think the option array isn't formatted correctly.  Any help would be hugely appreciated. I'm banging my head against the wall on this one.
  4. Thanks for the quick response. The issue I am running in to is tying multiple quantity boxes to the inputs. I have this on the products page:


    {foreach from=$option.values item=value}
    <input type="text" size="2" {if $value.stock_level == 0 && $value.matrix == 1} disabled="disabled" {/if} name="add[{$PRODUCT.product_id}][quantity]" />
    <input type="hidden" name="add[{$PRODUCT.product_id}][opts]" value="{$value.assign_id}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="productOptions[{$option.option_id}]" value="{$value.assign_id}" />
    and then tried this on the cart class
    if (is_array($_POST['add'])) {
    foreach ($_POST['add'] as $key => $value) {
    // Multi-product adding from category page
    if(is_numeric($value['quantity']) && $value['quantity'] > 1) {
    $quantity = (int)$value['quantity'];
    $opts = $value['opts'];
    } else {
    $quantity = 1;
    $this->add((is_numeric($value)) ? $value : $key, $opts, $quantity);
    } else {
    $this->add((is_numeric($value)) ? $value : $key, null, $quantity);
    This just added the last option with a quantity of 1 to the cart.
  5. I am looking for a way to create a grid for the product options so that customers can order different quantities of different options with one add to cart. For example, a dress might have a grid that shows:


    qty box   size Small

    qty box   size Medium

    qty box   size Large


    I found the code in the categories template to add multiple products to the cart (<input type="text" name="add[{$product.product_id}][quantity]" value="1" class="quantity" />) and I found the code where it parses adding multiple items in cart.class.php


    if (is_array($_POST['add'])) {
    foreach ($_POST['add'] as $key => $value) {
    // Multi-product adding from category page
    if(is_numeric($value['quantity']) && $value['quantity'] > 1) {
    $quantity = (int)$value['quantity'];
    } else {
    $quantity = 1;
    $this->add((is_numeric($value)) ? $value : $key, null, $quantity);
    How do I do an add to cart with multiple quantities linked up to multiple options on a single product ID?
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