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Posts posted by singen

  1. Dear Brian,


    Thanks a lot for the reply, it clarifies many points :)


    Concerning your question regarding DRM, please receive some clarifications about my business project: 


    • I have created 500 business forms and templates under word and excel.
    • My target customers are professionals who need to prepare forms and templates and do not want to create these forms from scratch therefore they buy documents such as mine in order to customize/optimize them for their needs.
    • I cannot sell these documents under pdf or equivalent but must sell them under .doc .xls .ppt because the customers need to adapt them.
    • The selling price of each form and template varies in average from 1$ to 5$ some complex long questionaires can cost more up to 10$ - 20$ max.
    • I intend to copyright those forms and templates progressively by chunks of 40 because each copyright costs 35$ and I want to reduce my starting investment.
    • So for me there would be no DRM technology to protect my digitals except the regulatory copyright and the US courts in case. Unless you have a DRM option to propose for .doc and .xls files. 


    Please Brian i have question:


    If I use the Custom Root File Path and upload a document outside the CubeCart (and therefore of course outside the public_html) so something like:




    My question is: do I also need a .htaccess file in the folder called store_downloads  in order to secure my digitals?



    Kind regard


  2. Dear bsmither


    Thanks a lot for sharing your expertise this is very helpful.


    Please, with respect to security of the digitals, what option is the best?


    Please the second question is : what are the advantages/disadvantages of each option?


    Thanks again

    Kind regards


  3. Hello,


    I tried using Amazon 3S and after testing a purchase on my CC site with a Custom File Path to Amazon 3S.


    After testing I decided not to proceed further with Amazon 3S and to store my digitals elsewhere.


    There are two reasons why I will not proceed further with Amazon 3S :


    1) They do not cap your invoices which means that you just provide your visa card details and you pay for what you consume without any cap. So let us say someone hacks your site and downloads 1000000 times your digitals then you can get a crazy invoice from Amazon.  


    2)  When my customer downloads my digital from Amazon 3S (after clicking the CC link that is sent to them via e-mail) they can see the URL of my digital on Amazon 3S servers. But I guess that I need to read/learn how to solve this technical matter (which I think can be solved).



    So please my question now is: if I upload my digitals via CC, where are they basically stored? They are logically stored on my hosting servers with let's say "Go Daddy". Is it correct?



    Kind Regards


  4. Hello Sir,


    Thanks a lot for all your posts, it is very informative.


    I am trying to build my CC store and I am new to the world of websites and have no knowledge of coding.



    I intend to sell a large amount of digitals via my CC store.


    Please I have a few questions concerning your post:


    I would like to store my digitals on a secure Amazon S3 server. Which option should I use?




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