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Posts posted by Struff

  1. From how the code is thought out, I would think the store admin is the owner. As such, when the order is administratively moved to Complete by the owner's own doing, that should be that.


    On the other hand, there is the common scenario where the warehouse crew (fulfillment center) will move the order to Complete. Then, the admins and owner must rely on making routine observations of the Dashboard and Sales Report feature.


    Let me cogitate on this for a bit.



    You get extra credit and a gold star for "cogitate".  :)


    You are correct in your second scenario and we were hoping for a more hands-off way to keep everyone on the same page. But don't worry about it though. We'll do it the old-fashioned way of forwarding emails to each other now that we know there is no simple automated way to do this. Maybe a future rev will tackle this. 


    I sincerely appreciate your time. 

  2. Thank you! I don't know why I didn't see any of that when I did a forum search. Now I feel ignorant. 


    I was hoping for an easier way than manually editing lines of code. Would be nice if the "Order status for admin email notifications" menu had more than just the two options of Processing and Pending. 


    Specifically, what I am looking for is a way to have the store owner get email when the Admins fully complete an order. So having a copy of the "Completed" email sent to the owner seemed like the way to accomplish this. But if there is another way that you can think of to notify the owner, that would be great. 


    Thanks again. 

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