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Posts posted by darkvo5

  1. Ok, a step in the right direction. You still need to make the edits I mentioned earlier about changing "Great Britain" to "Great Britain and Northern Ireland".


    Now it is mentioning Container is missing. Did you re-try to make the edits discussed in the other post?


    And also:




    IMPORTANT: Please read:

    ?do=embed#entry203560'' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>?do=embed#entry203560' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>


    Yes, everything is working great.  I tested for domestic and several different countries.  I have disabled the UPS module and went back to USPS as everything is working great!


    If any Cube Cart 3 users out there are having problems with the new USPS RateV4 and IntlRateV2 API integration, you can get your store working again following the steps in this post: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>


    Be sure to follow through the entire post to see any corrections to the coding. 


    Brian, thank you so much.  I am so impressed with your knowledge and ability.  If not for you I would be in a huge mess.

  2. Please enable the debug mode for the USPS module. In this mode, the module will "die" with the first thing it has been programmed not to like with the message of what it didn't like.


    Since the last test that I have knowledge of that you performed, the module's error response indicated it was still using "IntlRate".


    Please enable debug mode and make another test.


    (I also also emailed you a correction to an edit you made.)


    Hi Brian,


    I just got home.  I made the corrections to the file that you noticed and reuploaded.  I checked the module to ensure debugging mode is on (and it still is) and recreated the error.  It is now:


    Request XML:

    <IntlRateV2Request USERID="XXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXX"><Package ID="0"><Pounds>2</Pounds><Ounces>0</Ounces><MailType>Package</MailType><ValueOfContents>150</ValueOfContents><Country>Great Britain</Country></Package></IntlRateV2Request>

    Return XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Error><Number>-2147221202</Number><Source>Common:XmlParse</Source><Description>The element 'Package' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'Container'.</Description><HelpFile/><HelpContext/></Error>


    Thanks for your time, effort, and patience!!


    Since Cube Cart No longer supports ANY versions of Cube Cart lower than 5 , finding someone to edit the code and patch it is your only option.

    To put this into a little perspective !

    CubeCart V3 was release in June 2005 and V4 was released in Sept 2007. The last V3 release (3.0.20) was in August 2009 with support for V3 only ending in June 2011 when V5 was released and support for V4 still being continued until the end of December 2012

    Compare this situation to OpenCart that has just released 2.0 as a new branch from the current 1.5.6 V2.0 is far from stable yet and almost all plugins / mods from 1.5.6 are not compatible with 2.0 and have to be re-coded. Yet, support for 1.5.6 will cease in less than six months.

    No one from here can fix this. What I had to do (for the time being until I can make my client understand that the script needs to be updated to the latest version) is I completely disabled USPS module and enabled the UPS module.

    While this forum is meant to be for community support for the latest version, there are people both here and on the commercial forum that could fix it but may want compensating for their time, especially as you obviously benefit from the business of your clients.

    I always recommend updating to the latest version BUT because they have to pay for it...it is ultimately up to my clients to upgrade and they usually choose not to.

    There are plenty of people running very successful stores on V3 and several multi million pound turnover businesses (that I know about and I am sure there are more) running V4 that might never upgrade. BUT, these people generally realise that they need to spend a little time and/or money putting something into the software that provides the foundation of their business. V4 is very old and V3 is antique by software standards. Another thought - if they were running a bricks and mortar store and hadnt changed anything or done any maintenance in ten years, what state do you think they would be in.




    Doublet was simply providing an update on his situation in response to my asking since I am experiencing the same problem.  This is because there are many out there in the same boat and many who don't even know it yet, so keeping all the information together will most likely help somebody and save everyone time.  So while I appreciate your perspective on what Doublet has said, I would really like to stay focused on the actual error, whether it can be solved or not, and how.  We are all aware on what the various outcomes might be and that sometimes people expect to be compensated for their work.

  4. Also, I should probably clarify something I realized since responding initially.  My problem seems to be related to IntlRateV2 only, not RateV4.  Domestic users can check out with USPS with V4 now just fine, it's when the customer is international that they receive this error.  Since many of our customers are international we will need to find a temporary work around such as using the UPS module.  It appears there is additional iformation that IntlRateV2 needs in order to provide the quote. 

  5. This:

    Request XML:


    tells me you may have missed or corrupted a statement where IntlRate needed to be changed to IntlRateV2.

    Hi, thank you for your response!! I need to get this fixed ASAP!!

    Unfortunately, I am getting the same error even when I change all instances to add "v2" like you said. The only difference is the error then says "intlratev2request" instead of "intlrate". I tried putting it back the way it was originally, updating it to intlrate2, intlratev2, still the same error.

    It seems like it is expecting something where it says rate package type, etc. I have no idea how to fix it. Any other ideas?

  6. Someone will need to look at the files. I will send you a PM with my email address - to which you can attach the files.

    Hi, I am running cc3 and having the same problem after following the same instructions except my error is a little different (pasted below). Surely you must have found a solution and I am desperately needing help and was hoping you can help me.

    Request XML:

    <IntlRateRequest USERID="PurposefullyRemoved" PASSWORD="PurposefullyRemoved"></IntlRateRequest>

    Return XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Error><Number>-2147221202</Number><Source>Common:XmlParse</Source><Description>The element 'IntlRateRequest' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'RateClientType, Package'.</Description><HelpFile/><HelpContext/></Error>

    Please help!

  7. Someone please help! I am using Cube Cart 3. I followed the instructions above and changed all instances of RateV3 to RateV4 and IntlRate to IntlRateV2 in both the modules/shipping/USPS.php file and modules/shipping/class.usps.php


    I tried then to modify the class file underneath the "country" line as indicated above but doing so shuts down our entire site. I tried working with the code a bit and changing some things around but get the same outcome.


    When trying to check out, I am still getting the following error:


    Request XML:

    <IntlRateRequest USERID="PurposefullyRemoved" PASSWORD="PurposefullyRemoved"></IntlRateRequest>

    Return XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <Error><Number>-2147221202</Number><Source>Common:XmlParse</Source><Description>The element 'IntlRateRequest' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'RateClientType, Package'.</Description><HelpFile/><HelpContext/></Error>


    Please help!

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