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Posts posted by devong67

  1. I upgraded to 6.0.11 and am hopeful that the ckeditor upgrade with help with my Internet Edge issues, however, if you go to the Store Settings - Copyright tab, the icons for the toolbar of the editor do not look correct, each picture is very skinny (like only 1 pixel wide) so it is hard to tell what to click on. You can mouse hover over them and the popup help text will appear but something is not quite right there.

    I should note that the editor does seem to load fine when you are in the product Description tab - it looks good there.



  2. bsmither,

    Thanks for looking in to this.

    Here is the info from the email:

    Melrose HS Hockey Hooded Sweatshirt
    Color: Light Steel Size: Adult Large (42-44) Name OR Number ONLY : John Doe (+$5.00)


    Here is the info from the mysql database product options field:

    a:4:{i:2693;s:18:"Color: Light Steel";i:733;s:25:"Size: Adult Large (42-44)";i:737;s:31:"Name OR Number ONLY :  (+$5.00)";i:738;s:26:"Name and Number:  (+$8.00)";}


    Notice we have two valid customer entered data textbox options, Name OR Number ONLY   and  Name and Number and in the database it shows both, but in the email the customer only entered stuff for Name OR Number Only field.


    Other orders in the database are correct and show these options filled in.

    Once again thanks for looking in to this and we appreciate all help you can give. If you need more information, please let me know.



  3. We have been running on the latest cubecart for a few weeks now and have noticed 2 orders that did not save the customer entered textbox options for the items for the order. We do know that the customer did enter options for this because if we check the email we received as admins for the order notification, the options are shown and the data the customer entered is shown, however when we look at the order in the backend, it shows nothing being entered for those textbox options for that order. I even checked the database with MyPHPAdmin and the options that the customer entered are not saved in there. This is not happening for all orders only 2 of them are showing this issue out of 60 so in the past few weeks.

    Any thoughts as to why this is happening? Anybody else seeing this?

    Let me know if you need more info on this.



  4. There are known issues with the version of ckeditor that comes with cubecart and IE11. Specifically, if you are trying to add a http link in a document you cannot click to close the popup window where you type in the link. This is a known issue with ckeditor 3 and so I was hoping to upgrade the version that cubecart uses. Is there a way to update the version of ckeditor so that it will be compatible with IE11? I have tried just replacing the directory (includes/ckeditor) with the newer version but then I've run in the issues where it doesn't load sometimes (i.e. store configuration - Offline or Copyright tabs).

    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not. Can someone point me in the right direction?



  5. I am looking to get orders to be exported to .csv like the Sales Report does now, however, I need it at the item detail level. Specifically I need to export what items were ordered and the costs of each item. Is there anyway for me to do this? I have done plenty of searching but haven't found anything and a search for 'export' returns nothing from this forum.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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