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Posts posted by devkate

  1. Taxes are not being added to my products. I have tried the following: 

    In Taxes: tax class name> "taxname" > Tax Details >Display as "taxname" & "null" >tax rules "taxname" "20%" "Country=Canada, US" "all regions" apply to "goods" status "enabled" 

    On product panel>Pricing: 

    I add "taxname". I have tried switching "tax included" to 0 (off) and 1 (on) but neither one results in tax being added to the product when the customer checks out. I've added tax to the base price in the interim. 



    Paypal is the only form of checkout for our store, however the store offers a "checkout using credit card" button. The button does not auto-redirect to paypal so orders sent this way can't be processed (they end up coming up on my panel as "pending" and returning the inexplicable error message "that e-mail has already been registered")  I have been e-mailing paypal invoices to customers and confirmed that no gateway other than paypal is selected, but that hasn't worked. 


    Custom No product image image


    I can't locate the link to put in my own custom, logo-based "no image" box 


    Any help would be very much appreciated. 



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