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Posts posted by MrKK

  1. No, that makes no difference.  As I said, when you login using one browser, the session information records which browser you use.  When you then login using a different browser, CubeCart thinks there is a conflict which is wrong.  There was a github issue opened for this https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/631 but it was closed too early so I will ask Al to re-look at this



    This issue has been re-opened and so will be looked at again in due course.  However, there is nothing to worry about if you know you are using multiple browsers or even connecting from multiple IP addresses


    thanks bro. but i upload to the server and now both broswer seems working very well and dont have the SCRF again and holpfully do not shows up again anymore. thanks for your help!!!

  2. i was logged in to admin page yestoday and it seems find after installed a new cubecart. and today I try to login to admin with chrom browser and firefox. firefox is find to login but chrome can no .it shows up the message as Security alerts: possible cross-site request forgery(CSRF),or broswer back button used.

    i've readed all the comments and i cant find a very well answer to fix this problem, and i dont thing its a good way to clear the cookies(i've tried doesnt work) and try login again. cos i dont want to clear the cookies everytime before i login to the admin page. it must have some other way to fix this.


    thank you very much!!!

    • Security Alert: Possible Cross-Site Requ
    • Security Alert: Possible Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) or browser back button used.
    • est Forgery (CSRF) or browser back button used.
    • Security Alert: Possible Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) or browser back button used.


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