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Posts posted by cinda555

  1. bsmither:

    Hi there

    I have seen the Options Matrix and I was exploring the possibility of adding fields which are not customer facing which I could then use for exporting data.

    Does the option matrix show up in any exports currently?



    Its not specifically for amazon but I think their parent/child flat file is a decent scheme.  What kind of timeframe do you anticipate with amendment to the plugin?

    Also - has their ever been any thoughts to CC supporting multiple websites from one installation?  I 




  2. Hi

    What Im trying to create is a true Multi Variation product with SKU and EAN and stock level support  

    example rows

    sku colour size ean stocklevel

    shirt001-red-s red small 55669933456 5

    shirt001-red-m red medium 55669933457 5

     I then want to also export this to various feeds.  i think at present im only going to be able to export the parent product record which wont have an ean - because it is the shell product without its paramters ( colour and size )


    This can be achieved by extending the option matrix

    but i think the better way would be to add a record_type field ( or similar ) to define if its a parent or child 

    and also a parent_sku field to bind the children to the parent.   

    i would then have to stop the children being visible at the store front as individual items

    where record_type = parent

    I think if i do all this maybe im going to cause a massive headache later on updates

    Can you think of a better way of achieving this? 



  3. Hi

    I want to add fields to the matrix which I can then use to export to google base. Ideally I want to identify Parent and Child products and also supply different image paths for Colour Variations.

    If I do this manually UPDATE TABLE  and then some hardcoded php etc - will this problems for me in the future?  

    What is the "correct" method for creating plugin mods for CC6?

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