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Posts posted by JaneyPants

  1. We have been working for many years with a dedicated CubeCart programmer and support person who is in the middle of some family issues at the minute and we'd like to try to solve some things on our own so as not to bother him. But we are really in a jam.

    We have a large online store and have been receiving word from many users that they are unable to order online - they place the items in their carts, but there is nothing there when they try to check out. Also, there is an issue with using their accounts to sign in and complete the sale.

    We recently asked our CC support to install a plugin that would allow for batch updates of prices (like switching all the products in a category at once). As he is unavailable to ask if this plugin is the issue, we thought we'd try the forum.

    Here's the link to the site.

    I've also attached two of the emails that we have received about the issue.

    Thank you!


    Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 3.23.15 PM.pdf

    Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 3.11.38 PM.pdf

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