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Michal Kubacki

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Posts posted by Michal Kubacki

  1. Hi,

    This is the info from my panel:

    Technical Details

    CubeCart Version
    PHP Version (5.6 Recommended)
    MySQL Version
    Image folder size
    8.79 MB
    Download folder size
    0.00 KB
    Max. Upload filesize
    Browser user-agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
    Server Software

    This is the code I found in the file you mentioned: image.thumb.png.d87aa57766d6250a1de3786c4b1f54ce.png


  2. Sorry, I misunderstood you, I have tried to finalise the transaction.

    I had no trouble editing the address, the trouble starts while trying to pay for the item.

    Should I try editing the address instead?

    This is what I get after hitting EDIT:



    Queries (105):
    [1] INSERT INTO `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` (`message`,`time`) VALUES ('[Warning] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/classes/session.class.php:647 - is_writeable() [function.is-writeable.php]: Unable to find the wrapper "tcp" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?','1515540221'); -- (0.0175998210907 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
    [2] DELETE FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` WHERE time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ; -- (0.018040895462 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [3] INSERT INTO `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` (`message`,`time`) VALUES ('[Notice] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php:527 - Undefined index: X-Forwarded-For','1515540222'); -- (0.0184478759766 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
    [4] DELETE FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` WHERE time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ; -- (0.0182340145111 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [5] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_sessions` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_sessions.session_id = 'a5b0b92e163bbeee99f4a95dfb3e34d3' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0159919261932 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [6] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0160059928894 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [7] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_lang_strings` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_lang_strings.language = 'en-GB' ; -- (0.0163159370422 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [8] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_hooks` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_hooks.enabled = '1' ORDER BY priority ASC ; -- (0.0171799659729 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [9] SELECT `php_code`, `unique_id`, `description`, `hook_trigger` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_code_snippet` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_code_snippet.enabled = '1' ORDER BY `priority` ASC ; -- (0.0164339542389 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [10] SELECT C.cat_id, C.cat_name, C.cat_parent_id, S.path FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` as C LEFT JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` as S ON S.item_id=C.cat_id AND S.type='cat' AND S.custom='1' ORDER BY C.cat_id DESC -- (0.0170450210571 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [11] SELECT `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_language` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category_language.language = 'en-GB' ; -- (0.016352891922 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [12] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'logos' LIMIT 1; -- (0.017655134201 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [13] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0176110267639 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [14] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `status`, `countries` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'logos' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0169160366058 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [15] SELECT `folder` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.module = 'livehelp' AND w5bl_CubeCart_modules.status = '1' ; -- (0.0159680843353 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [16] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_currency` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_currency.code = 'GBP' ; -- (0.0150849819183 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [17] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_customer` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_customer.customer_id = '1' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0176990032196 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [18] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0168380737305 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [19] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_addressbook` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_addressbook.customer_id = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_addressbook.address_id = '1' ; -- (0.016793012619 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [20] SELECT `numcode`, `name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_geo_country` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_geo_country.status = '1' ORDER BY `name` ASC ; -- (0.0161299705505 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [21] SELECT gc.numcode, gz.id, gz.name FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_geo_zone` AS `gz` LEFT JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_geo_country` AS `gc` ON gc.id=gz.country_id ORDER BY gc.name, gz.name ASC -- (0.0195050239563 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [22] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'languages' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0176529884338 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [23] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_currency` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_currency.active = '1' ; -- (0.0182049274445 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [24] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'login' ; -- (0.0155470371246 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [25] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'register' ; -- (0.0166659355164 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [26] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'Per_Category' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0175700187683 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [27] SELECT SQL_CACHE T.tax_name AS type_name, D.display, D.name, R.id, R.type_id, R.tax_percent, R.goods, R.shipping, R.county_id FROM w5bl_CubeCart_tax_rates AS R, w5bl_CubeCart_tax_details AS D, w5bl_CubeCart_tax_class AS T, w5bl_CubeCart_geo_country AS C WHERE D.id = R.details_id AND C.numcode = R.country_id AND R.type_id = T.id AND D.status = 1 AND R.active = 1 AND R.country_id = 826 -- (0.0162348747253 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [28] SELECT CI.* , C.status FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS CI, `w5bl_CubeCart_category` AS C WHERE CI.product_id = '52' AND CI.cat_id = C.cat_id ORDER BY CI.product_id -- (0.0179810523987 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [29] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.product_id = '52' AND w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.status = '1' LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0; -- (0.0184690952301 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [30] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0165030956268 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [31] SELECT `stock_level`, `product_code`, `upc`, `jan`, `isbn`, `image` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_option_matrix` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_option_matrix.product_id = '52' AND w5bl_CubeCart_option_matrix.options_identifier = '' AND w5bl_CubeCart_option_matrix.status = '1' ; -- (0.0178060531616 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [32] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_customer_membership` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_customer_membership.customer_id = '1' ; -- (0.0180559158325 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [33] SELECT `quantity`, `price` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity.product_id = '52' AND w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity.group_id = '0' ORDER BY `quantity` ASC, `price` ASC ; -- (0.0159068107605 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [34] SELECT SQL_CACHE T.tax_name AS type_name, D.display, D.name, R.id, R.type_id, R.tax_percent, R.goods, R.shipping, R.county_id FROM w5bl_CubeCart_tax_rates AS R, w5bl_CubeCart_tax_details AS D, w5bl_CubeCart_tax_class AS T, w5bl_CubeCart_geo_country AS C WHERE D.id = R.details_id AND C.numcode = R.country_id AND R.type_id = T.id AND D.status = 1 AND R.active = 1 AND R.country_id = 826 -- (0.0176339149475 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [35] INSERT INTO `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` (`message`,`time`) VALUES ('[Notice] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/classes/tax.class.php:212 - Undefined variable: tax_table','1515540223'); -- (0.0172019004822 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
    [36] DELETE FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` WHERE time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ; -- (0.0174858570099 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [37] SELECT `basket` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_saved_cart` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_saved_cart.customer_id = '1' ; -- (0.0163168907166 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [38] UPDATE `w5bl_CubeCart_saved_cart` SET `basket` = 'a:1:{s:32:\"ec7b1f33c55ea117a22786a01192a8ae\";a:10:{s:2:\"id\";i:52;s:8:\"quantity\";i:1;s:7:\"digital\";s:1:\"0\";s:17:\"option_line_price\";i:0;s:16:\"total_price_each\";s:4:\"1.00\";s:11:\"description\";s:14:\"test product\r\n\";s:4:\"name\";s:4:\"test\";s:12:\"product_code\";s:4:\"test\";s:14:\"product_weight\";d:1;s:8:\"tax_each\";b:0;}}' WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_saved_cart.customer_id = '1'; -- (0.0164592266083 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [39] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'gift_certs' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0186660289764 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [40] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'prod' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '52' ; -- (0.0178680419922 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [41] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_image_index` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_image_index.product_id = '52' ORDER BY `main_img` DESC LIMIT 1; -- (0.0169520378113 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [42] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0174300670624 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [43] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_filemanager` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_filemanager.file_id = '12' ; -- (0.0192210674286 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [44] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '0' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.0169749259949 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [45] SELECT `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_language` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category_language.language = 'en-GB' ; -- (0.0181498527527 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [46] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 8 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.0180020332336 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [47] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '8' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.0159170627594 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [48] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '8' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.0141451358795 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [49] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 7 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.0146450996399 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [50] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '7' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.0158579349518 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [51] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '7' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.0175631046295 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [52] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 6 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.0186619758606 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [53] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '6' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.0181469917297 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [54] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '6' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.0165100097656 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [55] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 5 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.0156490802765 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [56] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '5' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.0154910087585 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
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    [58] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 4 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.0158100128174 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [59] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '4' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.0159749984741 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [60] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '4' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.014191865921 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [61] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 3 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.0164179801941 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [62] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '3' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.0176658630371 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
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    [64] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 2 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.0175180435181 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [65] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '2' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.0168168544769 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
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    [68] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '7' ; -- (0.0186610221863 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [69] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '6' ; -- (0.235590934753 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [70] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '5' ; -- (0.0173349380493 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [71] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '4' ; -- (0.0171921253204 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [72] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '3' ; -- (0.0183131694794 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [73] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '2' ; -- (0.0160992145538 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [74] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'saleitems' ; -- (0.0150139331818 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [75] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'certificates' ; -- (0.0162661075592 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [76] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'search' ; -- (0.0160570144653 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [77] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_newsletter_subscriber` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_newsletter_subscriber.email = '[email protected]' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0180139541626 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [78] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_documents` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_documents.doc_parent_id = '0' AND w5bl_CubeCart_documents.doc_status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_documents.navigation_link = '1' ORDER BY `doc_order` ASC ; -- (0.0189809799194 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [79] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'doc' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '2' ; -- (0.0184168815613 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [80] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'doc' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '3' ; -- (0.0175590515137 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [81] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'doc' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '4' ; -- (0.017776966095 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [82] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'Contact_Form' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0173349380493 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [83] SELECT product_id FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.featured = '1' ; -- (0.0188949108124 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [84] SELECT CI.* , C.status FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS CI, `w5bl_CubeCart_category` AS C WHERE CI.product_id = '12' AND CI.cat_id = C.cat_id ORDER BY CI.product_id -- (0.018324136734 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [85] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.product_id = '12' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0334179401398 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [86] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0163178443909 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [87] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_image_index` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_image_index.product_id = '12' ORDER BY `main_img` DESC LIMIT 1; -- (0.0172760486603 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [88] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0166471004486 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [89] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_filemanager` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_filemanager.file_id = '35' ; -- (0.0172879695892 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [90] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_customer_membership` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_customer_membership.customer_id = '1' ; -- (0.0170087814331 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [91] SELECT `quantity`, `price` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity.product_id = '12' AND w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity.group_id = '0' ORDER BY `quantity` ASC, `price` ASC ; -- (0.0175309181213 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [92] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.product_id = '12' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0183119773865 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [93] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0190899372101 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [94] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'prod' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '12' ; -- (0.0179710388184 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [95] SELECT `oi`.`product_id`, `i`.`name`, `i`.`price`, `i`.`sale_price`, `i`.`tax_type`, `i`.`tax_inclusive`, SUM(`oi`.`quantity`) as `quantity` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_order_inventory` as `oi` JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` as `i` WHERE `oi`.`product_id` = `i`.`product_id` AND `i`.`status` = 1 GROUP BY `oi`.`product_id` ORDER BY `quantity` DESC LIMIT 10; -- (0.0210959911346 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [96] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'sfws_vehicle_make_model_version' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0168240070343 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [97] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0152158737183 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [98] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `status`, `countries` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'sfws_vehicle_make_model_version' LIMIT 1; -- (0.0152781009674 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [99] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.0155129432678 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [100] SELECT `status` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'SFWS_Vehicle_Make_Model_Version' ; -- (0.0143349170685 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [101] SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_make FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_sfws_vehicle_mmv_vehicles` ORDER BY vehicle_make ASC -- (0.0336499214172 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [102] SELECT `status` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'SFWS_Vehicle_Make_Model_Version' ; -- (0.0164790153503 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [103] SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_make FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_sfws_vehicle_mmv_vehicles` ORDER BY vehicle_make ASC -- (0.0172798633575 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [104] SELECT `status` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'SFWS_Vehicle_Make_Model_Version' ; -- (0.0172488689423 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [105] SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_make FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_sfws_vehicle_mmv_vehicles` ORDER BY vehicle_make ASC -- (0.0178608894348 sec) [CACHE WRITE]

  3. OK, I disabled the caching, now it worked (without IP). This is the message at the end:

    [Warning] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/classes/session.class.php:647 - is_writeable() [function.is-writeable.php]: Unable to find the wrapper &quot;tcp&quot; - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?[Notice] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php:527 - Undefined index: X-Forwarded-For[Notice] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/classes/tax.class.php:212 - Undefined variable: tax_table


    'Before Sanitise:' =>
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    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => addressbook


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    Queries (111):
    [1] INSERT INTO `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` (`message`,`time`) VALUES ('[Warning] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/classes/session.class.php:647 - is_writeable() [function.is-writeable.php]: Unable to find the wrapper &quot;tcp&quot; - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?','1515539360'); -- (0.00541710853577 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
    [2] DELETE FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` WHERE time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ; -- (0.00641894340515 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [3] INSERT INTO `w5bl_CubeCart_system_error_log` (`message`,`time`) VALUES ('[Notice] /var/sites/t/tuborg-batteries.co.uk/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php:527 - Undefined index: X-Forwarded-For','1515539360'); -- (0.00607180595398 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED]
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    [7] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_lang_strings` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_lang_strings.language = 'en-GB' ; -- (0.00821995735168 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
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    [66] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '4' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.00369381904602 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [67] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 3 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.00261688232422 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [68] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '3' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.00186610221863 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [69] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '3' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.00254082679749 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [70] SELECT C.`product_id`, I.`use_stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS C INNER JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` AS I ON I.`product_id` = C.`product_id` WHERE C.cat_id = 2 AND I.status = 1 -- (0.00275206565857 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [71] SELECT COUNT(cat_id) AS Count FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '2' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1'; -- (0.00397610664368 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [72] SELECT `cat_parent_id`, `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_category.cat_parent_id = '2' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_category.hide = '0' ORDER BY priority, cat_name ASC ; -- (0.00331711769104 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [73] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '8' ; -- (0.00449204444885 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [74] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '7' ; -- (0.00484704971313 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [75] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '6' ; -- (0.00482296943665 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [76] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '5' ; -- (0.00445795059204 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [77] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '4' ; -- (0.00500202178955 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [78] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '3' ; -- (0.00717806816101 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [79] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'cat' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '2' ; -- (0.00559115409851 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [80] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'saleitems' ; -- (0.00492095947266 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [81] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'certificates' ; -- (0.00599598884583 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [82] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'search' ; -- (0.00658297538757 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [83] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_newsletter_subscriber` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_newsletter_subscriber.email = '[email protected]' LIMIT 1; -- (0.00616598129272 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [84] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_documents` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_documents.doc_parent_id = '0' AND w5bl_CubeCart_documents.doc_status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_documents.navigation_link = '1' ORDER BY `doc_order` ASC ; -- (0.00649499893188 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [85] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'doc' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '2' ; -- (0.00590801239014 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [86] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'doc' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '3' ; -- (0.00419402122498 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [87] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'doc' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '4' ; -- (0.00692796707153 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [88] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'Contact_Form' LIMIT 1; -- (0.00581002235413 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [89] SELECT product_id FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.status = '1' AND w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.featured = '1' ; -- (0.00496292114258 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [90] SELECT CI.* , C.status FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_category_index` AS CI, `w5bl_CubeCart_category` AS C WHERE CI.product_id = '45' AND CI.cat_id = C.cat_id ORDER BY CI.product_id -- (0.00658392906189 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [91] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.product_id = '45' LIMIT 1; -- (0.00565195083618 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [92] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.00656914710999 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [93] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_image_index` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_image_index.product_id = '45' ORDER BY `main_img` DESC LIMIT 1; -- (0.00542092323303 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [94] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.00482511520386 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [95] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_filemanager` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_filemanager.file_id = '11' ; -- (0.00570797920227 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [96] SELECT * FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_customer_membership` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_customer_membership.customer_id = '1' ; -- (0.00368499755859 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [97] SELECT `quantity`, `price` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity.product_id = '45' AND w5bl_CubeCart_pricing_quantity.group_id = '0' ORDER BY `quantity` ASC, `price` ASC ; -- (0.00335788726807 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [98] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `stock_level` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_inventory.product_id = '45' LIMIT 1; -- (0.00478291511536 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [99] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.00188207626343 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [100] SELECT `path` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.type = 'prod' AND w5bl_CubeCart_seo_urls.item_id = '45' ; -- (0.0019268989563 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [101] SELECT `oi`.`product_id`, `i`.`name`, `i`.`price`, `i`.`sale_price`, `i`.`tax_type`, `i`.`tax_inclusive`, SUM(`oi`.`quantity`) as `quantity` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_order_inventory` as `oi` JOIN `w5bl_CubeCart_inventory` as `i` WHERE `oi`.`product_id` = `i`.`product_id` AND `i`.`status` = 1 GROUP BY `oi`.`product_id` ORDER BY `quantity` DESC LIMIT 10; -- (0.00177097320557 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [102] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_config` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_config.name = 'sfws_vehicle_make_model_version' LIMIT 1; -- (0.00229096412659 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [103] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.000686168670654 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [104] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `status`, `countries` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'sfws_vehicle_make_model_version' LIMIT 1; -- (0.000707149505615 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [105] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as Count; -- (0.00117611885071 sec) [NOT CACHED]
    [106] SELECT `status` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'SFWS_Vehicle_Make_Model_Version' ; -- (0.00171995162964 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [107] SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_make FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_sfws_vehicle_mmv_vehicles` ORDER BY vehicle_make ASC -- (0.00375890731812 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [108] SELECT `status` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'SFWS_Vehicle_Make_Model_Version' ; -- (0.00201606750488 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [109] SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_make FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_sfws_vehicle_mmv_vehicles` ORDER BY vehicle_make ASC -- (0.0019907951355 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [110] SELECT `status` FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_modules` WHERE w5bl_CubeCart_modules.folder = 'SFWS_Vehicle_Make_Model_Version' ; -- (0.00215721130371 sec) [CACHE WRITE]
    [111] SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_make FROM `w5bl_CubeCart_sfws_vehicle_mmv_vehicles` ORDER BY vehicle_make ASC -- (0.002925157547 sec) [CACHE WRITE]

  4. Hmmm, when I enable debugging, the whole shop goes messed up, not as bad as with the password, but not working anyway. When I disable debugging, the shop comes back.



    This is the panel, should I change anything else there? Disable Caching?


  5. I know it, I'm trying it now

    OK, I restored the password ;-) Shop is back. Few drops of sweat on my forehead ;-) OK, so now we see that the system gives codes instead of names in the addresses. What should I do to fix it?

  6. OK, looks like I got myself in big trouble. I found the tools but I did not know the previous password for the database, so I changed it from the hosting panel. Now the whole thing is completely messed up, the shop panel is gone.

    Yes, I have the access to the database from phpMyAdmin, but don't have the access to the shop and to the admin panel anymore. Is there any way to fix it from the database level?

    the bit you asked about looks like that:



    As I said, I had no previous experience in that and I did not feel very confident in getting into database. Please tell me is there a way to fix the shop?

    And, in case it can be fixed, what should I do then to fix the address issue?

  7. I'm very grateful for your help. I'm not sure I understand you correctly.

    I'm hovering here at the point of the error over the Edit button:


    I get the address_id=1 but I think it relates to my address stored with all my customer details.

    This is by hovering over Delete in my admin panel, as you suggested it is 469:


    Now you are loosing me at the next point. Where should I go? I've used automatic installation provided with my hosting, I'm not feeling very confident playing with the files on the server.

    Since I get the error message, I assume that the values are not correct. What should I do to fix it? Is there a patch to be installed? Something need to be deleted/reinstalled?



  8. Hi Bsmither! Thank you for your quick reply.

    I have checked that already and it looks like it's all correct. I have used all the predefined values while adding zones and also while creating the address I used a drop-down option.

    Please see the screenshots below, first is from my CubeCart control panel, second if from the failed transaction.

    What could be the issue? Please let me know if you need more information.







  9. Hi, I keep receiving:

    "The following errors were detected:

    We seem to have a problem with your address ("Billing Address"). Please check the value for "County" before proceeding."


    I'm using All In One Shipping extension, it seems to be set up correctly because it gives the right shipping options in accordance with the address - and there seems to be no problem with the address format. However, when trying to finish the transaction, the above error appears. I have no idea which element of the store triggers the error - is it the payment module, or anything else?

    I'm UK based, the shop language is English UK.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


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