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Posts posted by [email protected]

  1. Going back to my initial problem... Earlier I was uploading 5.216 to a temporary folder on the server and I can clearly see the option on the SEO settings page that enables/disables SEO URLs.  Well, the same thing happens on V5.  Enabled, html pages are not redirected to the relevant SEO path.  Disabled, the site works fine, with the SEO path in the URL.  The install .htaccess button works, it dumps a copy in the root of the installation - so, somewhere along the way, the server simply isn't processing the .htaccess directives correctly.


    Odd thing is, if I change the .htaccess file to this:


    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule  ^(.*)$ http://google.com/[R=301,L]


    It works exactly as expected, any visits to thebarrymusicshop.com get redirected to Google.

  2. Seems this beta version is just a little to buggy to use at the moment - just discovered two bugs...


    1) Create new product, enter price, leave sale and cost price *blank*, save the product, view product listing, shows retail price crossed out and £0.00 in red. Go back to admin panel, check the product entry, both cost/sale boxes have 0.00 in them. Sitewide sale disabled too.  Add the product to the cart, shows proper price.


    2) Change sort method on a category from default to say Z-A (doesn't actually matter what sort you choose), browser refreshes and decides to show you a huge red error message stating that the category doesn't exist - transpires the cat_id reference is lost in the URL.


    Before my friend enters way too much information into the db regarding products etc... is it a complete ball ache to go back to V5 and maintain the data already entered?

  3. Bugger...it's not quite the solution I was hoping for!


    Categories and products now work, sadly the login/registration link top right of the home page doesn't..returning the usual 404 error - http://thebarrymusicshop.com/register.html


    This is kind of a deal breaker...  And, oddly enough, I had a quick web-chat with the hosting company and they confirmed that the server _does_ support MOD REWRITE, so I'm not sure why the .htaccess file is being ignored :|

  4. While I'm trying to sort out my SEO/MOD REWRITE issues on another thread, I just thought I'd mention that the social media icons at the foot of the homepage do not appear to link correctly.


    Twitter is ok, as is the Facebook icon, when you hover over the icon, the status area of the browser suggests the URL is correct.  However, adding an Instagram username in the admin panel, returns another Facebook URL when the Insta icon is hovered over.  YouTube is even worse... The backend is hard coded to a user, no option exists to point it to a channel.  Accordingly, entering a channel name won't work.  This shop I'm setting up for my friend, they have a channel on YT with no associated username for it, so the YT icon on the shop homepage doesn't work either.

  5. Thanks for the update dude... I was attempting to reply to my OP with an update but IPS was giving me an error.  I have the .htaccess file in the root, it has a copy/paste of the pastebin post here http://pastebin.com/BsqPARLnit it.


    However, upon trying to check that the PHP engine on the host is capable of the mod rewrite, when I visit the admin panel then choose PHP Info, the pane on the right is completely blank.  Nada. Zilch.

  6. OK, carrying on digging at this issue it's patently obvious to me that the .htaccess file is missing from the root of the installation which should contain:


    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
    RewriteRule ^(.*).html?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA]


    However, creating the file and putting all that rewrite code in, the pages still fail to pull up the correct SEO path pages based on whatever 'missing' html page is called for.


    Any ideas?

  7. Ok, so having used a very old version of CC on an old site years ago, I made the recommendation to a friend to consider CC for an online shop front for his retail shop.


    Everything appeared to install fine, no issues with the database, no error messages, pre-loaded site worked fine.


    Deleted the test products and category, created a new test product and test category, now whenever a visitor chooses either the category or product (as shown in the new products section on the homepage), the site falls over with an Not Found[CFN #0005] error.  Sure enough, hovering over the link the status bar URL includes a html link, not php page...  Upon looking at the file structure on the webserver, no such html file exists and isn't being captured by any redirection error trapping.


    This was a plain vanilla install, nothing changed out of the box.  I'm errring on the side of some SEO option either skipped over during configuration but would welcome any pointers to get this CC install operational.


    The shop can be found here:  www.thebarrymusicshop.com





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