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Posts posted by eriknv

  1. Thanks for all the comments! 



    I wonder if there is a difference in your case because your money expression uses a comma as a decimal point. To test this, please enable debug mode. (admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, Debug mode: enabled, and also enter your IP address in the field -- you can get your IP address at www.whatismyip.com)


    At the bottom of the CubeCart pages will be a grey section. In here, you will find what the prices of the shopping basket are. Do they use periods as decimal points, or commas?


    This is some debug info:

    First I added 2 the same products (91,90), after that I updated the products to 3. 

    'id' => 7930
    'quantity' => '3'
    'digital' => '0'
    'options' =>
    '1' => '29106'
    'options_identifier' => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
    'option_line_price' => 0
    'total_price_each' => '45.95'
    'description' => ' Blablabla'
    'product_code' => '82438916'
    'product_weight' => 0
    'tax_each' => false
    'By_Category_Shipping' => 3.95
    'weight' => '0.000'
    'discount' => '0.00'
    'subtotal' => '137.85'
    'total_tax' => '0.00'
    'total' => '141.80'

    As you can see I use decimal points for every value.


    This is debug when I was logged in and add the same products in 2 times (first 2 and later update to to 3)

    'id' => 7930
    'quantity' => '3'
    'digital' => '0'
    'options' =>
    '1' => '29106'
    'options_identifier' => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
    'option_line_price' => 0
    'total_price_each' => '45.95'
    'description' => ' Blablabla'
    'product_code' => '82438916'
    'product_weight' => 0
    'tax_each' => false
    'By_Category_Shipping' => 3.95
    'weight' => '0.000'
    'discount' => '0.00'
    'subtotal' => '137.85'
    'total_tax' => '0.00'
    'total' => '137.85'
    'shipping' =>
    'offset' => 1
    'name' => 'Gratis verzending (Bij besteding vanaf €100)'
    'value' => 0
    'tax_id' => 0

    The bold values (From 'shipping' =>) â€‹â€‹were missing in the debug before I logged in. Maybe that is causing the problem?

  2. I added this in my cart.class.php file and it looks like it works. 

    if ($this->basket['subtotal'] > 100) {
       $this->basket['By_Category_Shipping'] = 0;
       $this->basket['shipping']['offset'] = 1;
       $this->basket['shipping']['name'] = 'Gratis verzending bij besteding vanaf €100,-';
       $this->basket['shipping']['value'] = 0;
       $this->basket['shipping']['tax_id'] = 0;
       $this->_shipping = 0;

    The code above bellow this line:

    if (isset($this->basket[$tax_on]['state_id']) && isset($this->basket['shipping'])) {
       $GLOBALS['tax']->productTax($this->_shipping, $this->basket['shipping']['tax_id'], false, $this->basket[$tax_on]['state_id'], 'shipping');

    Can somebody give some feedback on this? Even if this code is really terrible.

  3. Good suggestion Dirty Butter. Unfortunately, upgrading to the latest version did not solve the problem.

    Hopefully there is a quick solution for the problem bsmither. Maybe somebody knows a temporary solution. 


    Something hard coded in the cart class like this:

    if ($this->basket['subtotal'] > 100) {
        $this->basket['shipping'] = 0;

    Thanx in advance.

  4. Hello,


    I have a problem with the shipping value. I am using 2 shipping methods for my webshop: 


    1. Free Shipping (minimum order value $100,-)

    2. Per Category (some categories are $2.95 and some categories are $3.95)


    When I put 2 products of $60 directly from the product page in my basket there is no problem. The shipping cost is 0.00, that's exactly right.


    There is only a problem when i first put one product in the basket from $60,- and change the quantity to 2 on the basket page. The shipping cost is still $3,95 where it needs to be 0,00 (subtotal is $120)..


    This problem only appears on the 'shopping-cart' page before the user is logged in. On the 'index.php?_a=confirm' page everything works fine (When a user is logged in).


    I am using Cubecart 5.2.2. Can somebody help me with this problem?


    Thanx in advance.


  5. Thank you Brian, the pagination problem is solved! Unfortunately, there is a new problem emerged after the execution of the adjustments. When you click on the "Save button" (left button) after changing a status of an order, I get a server error. This problem does not occur when you click the "Save & Refresh" button (right button). 


    After clicking the "Save & Refresh" button, I will redirected to mysite.com/admin.php?_g=orders&page=all&sort[order_date]=DESC#order_summary. I think the page=all makes the problem. I have to many orders to show all on one page. 


    Any idea how to solve this problem?

  6. Thank for your answer!

    I discoverd that what you said is true. The problem is again happening on this moment.

    I changed the skin to Classic (Normal cubecart skin) and then the shoppingcart and the login are working fine!

    The problem is in the skin that I'm ussing. Not in Cubecart! (What I thought)

  7. Sorry for my late response.

    I tried to fix this problem by myself whitout any result.

    Hereby, I provide you with a more detailed description of the problem.

    On certain moments (frequently more than 3 times a day), the shopping basket does not function at all (for about 30 min till 2 hours). On these moments, nobody can use it and no orders are placed. In these cases, it is sometimes possible to get products in the shopping basket. However, if the customer selects ‘show shopping basket’, the shopping basket page shows an empty shopping basket. At the top of the page, it says there are products inside though.

    The problem still is there on this moment. I didn't receive any order the last 4 hours. So the problem is for everyone....

    I just recorded the screen during the problem.

    I'm not certain if the problem is only when the site is busy. That's what I thought.

    And here you can see the shopping cart problem: (choose for HD quality)


  8. Hi everyone,

    Since my website has been upgraded from cubecart 4.2.1 to the newest version (4.3.7) the shopping basket does not work, in case the website is busy (many clients at the same time). It does not depend on the browser one uses (Firefox, Internet explorer 6, 7, 8 all don't work). The shopping basket shows that there are no products inside, while one has placed 1 or several products in the shopping basket.

    Is there anyone who can solve this problem? I know there are many topics about this issue, however I read all these topics but no one can help me out.

    At this moment, this problem still occurs while I'm writing. However, sometimes there is no problem at all (when it is not busy). Click on the link below to see it yourself:


    I will offer a reward for a solution to this problem.


  9. Hi,

    I think the following code is to blame:

    file: includes/content/viewCat.inc.php;

    line: around 182;

    Error Message:

    1054: Unknown column 'SearchScore' in 'order clause'


    SELECT DISTINCT(I.productId), I.* FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE (I.name LIKE '%aramis900%'

    OR I.description LIKE '%aramis900%' OR I.productCode LIKE '%aramis900%') AND C.cat_id > 0 AND C.cat_id = I.cat_id AND C.hide

    = '0' AND (C.cat_desc != '##HIDDEN##' OR C.cat_desc IS NULL) AND I.disabled = '0' ORDER BY SearchScore DESC

    Can somebody help me to fix this ?

  10. I tried to replace:

      ## Build SQL for product options
    	  $query		= sprintf("SELECT B.*, T.option_name, T.option_type, M.value_name FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_bot AS B LEFT JOIN %1\$sCubeCart_options_mid AS M ON B.value_id = M.value_id, %1\$sCubeCart_options_top AS T WHERE B.option_id = T.option_id AND B.product = %2\$d ORDER BY T.option_name ASC", $glob['dbprefix'], $_GET['productId']);
      ## Build SQL for product options
    	  $query		= sprintf("SELECT B.*, T.option_name, T.option_type, M.value_name FROM %1\$sCubeCart_options_bot AS B LEFT JOIN %1\$sCubeCart_options_mid AS M ON B.value_id = M.value_id, %1\$sCubeCart_options_top AS T WHERE B.option_id = T.option_id AND B.product = %2\$d ORDER BY T.option_[b]id[/b] ASC", $glob['dbprefix'], $_GET['productId']);

    But it don't work. I want to order my product options alphabeticly. Can somebody help me? I use Cubecart 4.2.0.

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